1. Please avoid using very thick papers. It could be stuck
2. A sudden stop of the job may cause a mark on the output.
3. Generally, the thicker the paper or film is, the slower and higher temperature is needed.
4. The thinner the paper or film is, the faster and low temperature is needed.
5. If you want a perfect lamination, please set the adequate speed, temperature by using similar paper.
6. If you do not feed the paper properly, it would cause wrinkles.
7. If the output of the lamination is not the same aswhat you expected, please lower the speed or increase the temperature.
☞ Standard Laminating Speed and Temperature
▶ Speed 1 = Temp 10℃ = Thickness 25mic
→ if you decrease the speed by 1, the effect is almost the same as increasing the temperature by 10℃ and if the film is
25mic thicker, you have to increase the temp by 10℃ or decrease the speed by 1.
☞ Things that you could not do hot lamination.
Warining :
Please be informed that if you do a hot lamination on the outputs of dye-sublination printers,
the color of the paper could change as time passes by
other than papers
Metal, woods, irons
magnetic things such as
credit card
caused by heat
Thermal paper or drawings
in crayon
flammable goods
cellophane, vinyl