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I n s t r u c t I o n   M a n u a l

Owner Details




Beacon UIN/15-HEX ID:


Congratulations on purchasing your new MT400 series EPIRB. The GME 
MT401FF and MT401FG are the most advanced 406 MHz Digital Satellite 
Beacons available today. Using new digital frequency generation technology, 
GME have developed and approved world wide, a new family of affordable 
high performance 406 MHz beacons.

Although the satellite EPIRB is one of the most significant advances in search 
and rescue technology in many years. It is not a substitute for a marine 
radio – Mariners should not be over-reliant on any single system. Wise, safe 
Mariners plan carefully, ensure that shore contacts know their sail plan, carry 
a marine radio, EPIRB and the right range of other safety equipment, and 
operate their craft sensibly to suit conditions at sea.

General DesCriPtiOn

The GME MT401FF and MT401FG Digital Emergency Position Indicating 
Radio Beacons (EPIRB) are designed for use when the safety of your craft and 
crew is endangered and you have no other 
means of communication. An EPIRB can 
save your life and the lives of others on 
board by leading an air/sea rescue to your 
precise location. In the past, extensive and 
lengthy searches have been carried out for 
missing craft, sometimes to no avail.

Your GME EPIRB is a self contained 406 
MHz radio transmitter that emits an 
internationally-recognized distress signal 
on a frequency monitored by the COSPAS-
SARSAT satellite system. The distress 
transmission contains a unique identity 
code which can be cross referenced to a database of registered 406 MHz 
Beacons, allowing the Beacon’s owner or vessel to be immediately identified 
in the event of an emergency. Both models can be manually activated by the 
operator in an emergency situation. Each will also automatically activate out 
of it’s housing, if floated in water. The special auto-release housing provided 
with your MT401FF/FG not only provides day to day protection from the 
environment, but will automatically deploy the beacon when a predetermined 
water depth is reached. This combination of automatic deployment and 
activation may prove to be invaluable in an emergency, where it might 
otherwise not have been possible to reach and manually remove, then 
activate, the EPIRB.

Each of these models additionally includes a 121.5 MHz VHF Homing 
Transmitter and the latest in ultra high performance Solid State Strobe 
technology, all to assist in guiding rescuers to your precise location.

Furthermore, unique to the MT401FG, is an inbuilt GPS Receiver System. 
Typically within minutes of activation the MT401FG is able to relay its precise 
location through the search and rescue satellite system providing nearly 
instantaneous alert and location information to the Authorities.

aBOUt tHe COsPas-sarsat sYsteM

The COSPAS-SARSAT (C/S) system is a complete global search and rescue 
service using geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. Many countries 
provide ground facilities known as Local User Terminals (LUT’s).
From their fixed relative position in space C/S geostationary satellites provide 
a continuous watch over many regions of the world. They are useful in 
providing an immediate alerting capability, and where an active 406 MHz 
beacon is also GPS equipped, location information as well to the Authorities.
Each satellite within the constellation of C/S polar orbiting satellites views 
a smaller area of the earths surface at any instant, but due to their relative 
movement will achieve complete global coverage over time. These polar 
orbiting satellites provide both alerting and location information for all types 
of active 406 MHz beacons to the Authorities.
The satellite detection of less capable 121.5/243 MHz (only) type beacons is 
limited, and will be phased out completely over the coming years.

reGistratiOn anD transFer OF OwnersHiP

Registration of your 406 MHz satellite EPIRB with the Registration Section of 
your National Authority is important because of the global alerting nature of 
the COSPAS-SARSAT system.
Owner Registration Forms for registering your beacon may be supplied within 
the packaging, otherwise, your National Authority will be able to provide the 
correct forms. Up to date forms are often available online.

The information provided in the registration is used only for search and 
rescue purposes. Promptly fill in the owner registration form upon completion 
of the sales transaction, then mail, fax or email it to your National Authority. 
If the beacon is to enter service immediately, complete the registration form 
and fax or email the information.

Should the beacon be transferred to a new owner, as the previous Owner you 
are to inform your National Authority by email, fax, letter or telephone of the 
name and address of the new Owner.
The new Owner of the beacon is required to provide their National Authority 
with the information as shown on the registration form. This obligation 
transfers to all subsequent owners.


 Your MT401FF/FG has been programmed with a unique identifying code 

which will be transmitted by the beacon in an emergency. Registering your 
beacon provides the authorities with immediate access to your details when 
the beacon is detected. This means they will know who you are, who your 
emergency contacts are and what type of vessel or craft you are in. In situations 
of accidental activation they can also immediately eliminate your beacon as an 
emergency situation by contacting you when activation is detected. 

PreVentinG aCCiDental aCtiVatiOn

The signal from an EPIRB is regarded by authorities as an indication of 
distress and is given an appropriate response. It is the responsibility of every 
owner of an EPIRB to ensure that it is not activated unintentionally or in 
situations that do not justify its use.

The MT401FF/FG will not commence transmitting until approximately 60 
seconds after activation, providing a safety period of audible and visual 
warning. If you hear the beacon beeping while it is being carried or stowed, 
you may still be able to deactivate it during this time period without 
actually transmitting a distress signal. If in doubt, report the incident to your 
local authorities just in case.

To minimize the possibility of accidental activation, EPIRB owners are urged 
to pay careful attention to the following points:


   Always stow the EPIRB with the switch cover closed and within the 

Auto-release housing. The housing and switch cover are designed 
specifically to prevent accidental activation.


  Avoid stowing the EPIRB where it may lie in water.


   Do not allow children to interfere with the EPIRB and/or housing.


  Educate others on board your vessel regarding the consequences of activation.


   When it comes time to finally discard the beacon follow the 





 The Auto-release Housing temporarily inhibits the EPIRB water activation 

operation – always store the beacon within the housing.


The MT401FF/FG can be mounted upright against, or horizontally over, a 
flat panel or bulkhead. When selecting a location it is vitally important to 
consider the following:
•   Ready access in an emergency and protection from inadvertent damage.

•    In the case of an emergency auto-release, the EPIRB must be able 

to surface freely without becoming trapped by the sinking vessel or 
entangled with associated external structures. Locate the housing 
externally to the vessel in a clear open space; and remember that the  
craft may list or roll during submersion.

•    It is recommended to select a location high on the vessel. This will ensure 

auto-release operation in the event the vessel capsizes without sinking.

P/N: 310337  Dwg No: 42723-2

Standard Communications


HeaD OFFiCe:

 Locked Bag 2086, North Ryde, N.S.W. 1670, Australia. 

Tel: +61 (0)2 9844 6666 • Fax: +61 (0)2 9844 6600

internatiOnal enqUiries

International enquiries should be directed to: [email protected] 

natiOnal aUtHOritY Details

24 hour emergency Contact 


 1 800 641 792



Beacon Registration Section, AusSAR 
Australian Maritime Safety Authority 
GPO Box 2181, Canberra ACT 2601 


 +61 (0)2 6230 6811 


 [email protected] 


 +61 (0)2 6230 6811

new Zealand 
24 hour emergency Contact 


 0508 4 72269 


 +64 (0)4 914 8388



Rescue Coordination Centre New  Zealand 
PO Box: 30050, Lower Hutt 6009 


 +64 (0)4 914 8388 


 [email protected] 


 +64 (0)4 914 8383

internatiOnal DistriBUtOr Details


ePirB Dimensions:

   260 mm (h) x 102 mm (w) x 83 mm (d

260 mm (h) x 102 mm (w) x 83 mm (d




  UV stabilized plastic chassis. 



   IEC 61097; IEC 60945;

IEC 61097; IEC 60945; 
AS/NZS 4280.1;  
ETSI EN 300 066

aUtO-release HOUsinG


Automatically before reaching 4 metres water depth or 
manually by operator.



Impact resistant housing fully encloses EPIRB for 
environmental protection.




 On flat surface fixed at four (4) points to vessel 

Refer to manual for placement.


Housing weight:

  1.1 kg (nominal

1.1 kg (nominal



Housing Dimensions::

   385.5 mm (h) x 157.5 mm (w) x 102.5 mm (d

385.5 mm (h) x 157.5 mm (w) x 102.5 mm (d




   Marine grade stainless steel and long life UV

Marine grade stainless steel and long life UV 
Polypropylene stabilised enclosure.


routine service:   

Fully user replaceable HRU at 2 year intervals as per 
applicable authority requirements.

OtHer FeatUres
  retention lanyard: 

Buoyant type approximately 5.5 metres.



SOLAS retro-reflective tape encircling unit above waterline.


solid-state strobe:   

High reliability solid state 3 emitter design exceeds 
IMO requirements.

   Compass safe 


0.7 m (EPIRB in Auto-release Housing).

* Standard factory setting. Dealer programmable via external interface.
Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

GMe FiVe Year warrantY

GME limit this warranty to the original Purchaser of the equipment.
GME warrant this product to be free from defects in material and 
workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date of purchase from the 
authorised Dealer.
Replacement of batteries due to expiry or usage is excluded from this Warranty.
Should the product require servicing during this period, all labour and parts 
used to effect repairs will be supplied free of charge. GME reserve the right 
to determine whether damage has been occasioned by accident, misuse or 
improper installation, whereby the Warranty could be void.
In the event of a defect occurring during the Warranty period, the original 
purchaser may return the defective unit along with suitable proof of 
purchase (i.e. receipt, credit card slip etc.) and a full description of the 
defect to the Dealer from whom the unit was purchased. The Dealer will 
forward the unit to an authorised GME Service Depot in your State.
All freight charges incurred for transportation by the Dealer or GME are the 

Purchasers’ responsibility.

E M E r G E n c Y

PosItIon InDIcatInG

r a D I o   B E a c o n


406 MHz



a u t o   r E l E a s E



a u t o   r E l E a s E 
&   I n B u I l t   G P s




