Bracket mounting - gr9040
1. Attach the two gimbal knobs through the mounting
bracket and into the Gr9040.
. temporarily position the Gr9040 in the desired location
and roughly mark the location of the bracket edges.
now, remove the unit from the bracket and reposition
the bracket to mark the mounting hole positions.
. screw or bolt the bracket into position. the mounting
method will depend on the material to which the bracket
is being attached.
4. Fit the Gr9040 back into the bracket and adjust to the
desired angle before tightening the gimbal knobs.
5. complete the antenna
lead and electrical wiring
as described later.
For overhead mounting the
GmE logos on the side of
each bracket can be rotated
as shown right.
flush mounting - gr9040
Although the Gr9040 is a bracket mounted unit, it can be
flush mounted by following the disassembly
instructions below.
1. remove the 4 screws
from each cable clamp panel
at rear.
. remove the screw from
the centre of the heat
dissipater and remove.
. remove the 4 screw caps and 4 screws from the front
case and slide the unit
out completely.
Your Gr9040 can
now be flush mounted, replacement screw caps have been
provided to cover the exposed screw heads.
removing clear cover
if your Gr9000 will be mounted in a dry protected location
away from the possibility of water ingress, the front clear
cover can be permanently removed.
1. remove the 4 screws from each of the
top and bottom inside edge of the
mount frame as shown above. remove
top latch assembly and clear cover.
. Fit replacement fill strips as supplied into top and
bottom frame edges.
. mount your unit into the bulkhead. use supplied spare
screw caps to cover screw heads.
electrical Wiring
dc connections
the Gr9000 is designed for vessels with a 1 Volt
negative ground electrical system only!
Referring to the wiring diagram on following page:
1. connect the Yellow wire directly to the positive terminal
of the vessel’s battery, or to a point that has +1 Volts
available at all times. this lead maintains the memories
G r 9 0 0 0 s E r i E s
i n s t r u c t i o n m A n uA l
PA G E 5
reset Button
PA G E 4
i n s t r u c t i o n m A n uA l
G r 9 0 0 0 s E r i E s
Flush mounted
on-Dash mounted
overhead mounted
Press from
Flush mount
support strap
rear centre screw with spacers
Fill strips
if you are connecting your Gr9000 for the first time or have
just reconnected your boat battery and you are experiencing
problems with the unit’s operation, we suggest you try
resetting the unit. the reset button is located under the
removable face panel (see below for instructions). Gently
press the reset button with a paper clip or similar object.
You can then refit the face panel.
the preset station memories and clock time are retained
only while the yellow ‘memory 1 V+’ lead is connected
(see Electrical Wiring section). if the battery is disconnected
or switched off at the master switch, or the unit is removed
from the vessel, the station memories will be lost and the
clock will need to be reset.
removing & refitting the face panel
Before removing the face panel, turn the unit oFF by
pressing the
1. Press the
release button to release the
left hand end of the face panel.
. lift the face panel
out towards you.
. After removing
the face panel,
place it inside the
supplied case to
protect it from damage.
handling compact discs
• Handle the cD by it’s edge, avoid touching the
disc surface.
• store your cDs away from direct
sunlight or heat sources. Keeping
the cD in it’s original case will
help to keep it flat.
• clean the cD with a soft cloth
from the centre to the outer
edge, (see diagram) rather than
in a circular motion. Do not use
moisture condensation
Your Gr9000 uses optical laser technology. occasionally
damp or humid conditions may cause condensation to
appear on the lenses inside the unit. should this occur, the
unit might not operate correctly. simply eject the cD and
leave the unit turned on for a while until the
moisture evaporates.
the Gr9000 is designed to be mounted in several different
configurations to enable it to be installed in the most
convenient position. GmE recommends that the unit should
be mounted in a position that is free from direct sunlight
and excessive vibration.
flush mounting - gr9020
the Gr900 can be neatly flush mounted into a panel or
bulkhead so that just the controls and the protective cover
are visible.
using the template provided, select a suitable location on a
panel or bulkhead. Examine behind the panel to determine
the best method of support. if the thickness of the panel is
not sufficient to support the unit, it will be necessary to use
the strap supplied (see following diagrams)