GESBC-3130 User’s Manual
Version 1.0
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above command can be included in the shell resource file so it is executed every time you
login. For bash shell, a good place to put is in .bashrc in your home directory.
Compile Linux Kernel
The GESBC-3130 is shipped with Linux kernel version The patch for the kernel source
tree is available at Glomation website in the support page.
Prepare Linux Kernel source
Obtain the kernel source from http://www.kernel.org. Untar the Linux kernel,
tar xjf linue-
Obtain the kernel patch from
. Patch the
kernel source with the following command,
patch –p1 < /<patch-file-directory-path>/patch_file_name
Configure Linux Kernel
The GESBC-3130 can use the default configuration file for the EA3130 evaluation board.
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnu- ea313x_defconfig
If additional configuration is required, executing the following command in the Linux kernel
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnu- menuconfig
If problem occurs, make sure the default PATH variable is set to the correct tool chain directory
Compile Kernel
Once Linux kernel has been configured, it can be compiled using following command,
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnu-
The U-boot utility mkimage is required to make the U-boot formatted kernel image files.