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NOTE: All programming procedures will use the setup keysheet, which is the one permanently attached
to the scale.
IMPORTANT: The scale is preprogrammed with a default PLU number 1, which has no product name,
price, or tare. This allows the scale to be used as a basic label printing scale without PLU’s.
Setting Up PLU’s
1. Make sure the scale is plugged in, turned on, and there is nothing on the platter.
2. Key in 9000 and press the MODE key. The display will show: P00 REGISTRATION
NOTE: If this does not appear on the display, press the RESET key to clear any data and do the step again.
3. Key in 1 and press the ENTER key.
4. Key in the PLU number (max 5 digits) and press the PLU key. NOTE: Do not enter 1 for a PLU number.
1 is the default PLU.
5. Press the EDIT PLU key to enter the PLU name (max 24 characters per line, max 2 lines). Enter the first line
of data. If you only want one line of data then press the ENTER key. If you want a second line of data press
the NEW LINE key. Enter the second line of data and press the ENTER key to complete.
6. Press the ENTER key for the scale mode. Key in 0 if the PLU is a weighing price item. Key in 1 if the PLU is
a fixed priced item. Press the ENTER key.
7. Key in the unit price (max 5 digits) and press the ENTER key.
8. NOTE: This step is only for fixed price items. Key in the number of items (max 2 digits) and press the
ENTER key.
9. NOTE: This step is only for weighing price items. Key in the tare weight (max 4 digits) and press the
ENTER key.
10. Key in the date print flag and press the ENTER key.
1 - no print (no dates will print)
2 - only pack date will print
3 - only sell by date will print
4 - both pack date and sell by date will print
11. Key in the number of days to expire (max 3 digits) and press the ENTER key. NOTE: This will be used if the
sell by date is printed on the label.
12. The barcode can be the PLU number, which the scale defaults to, or the POS (point of sale) number. If the
PLU number is to be in the barcode simply press the ENTER key. If the POS number is to be in the barcode,
key in the POS number (max 5 digits) and press the ENTER key. NOTE: The scale can be reprogrammed to
accept a 6 digit PLU or POS number. Contact Globe’s technical service department for assistance.
13. Repeat steps 4 through 12 to enter additional PLU numbers. When complete press the MODE key to return to
normal operation.
PLU Set Up