of 25
Version 2.3
California and Minnesota State law prohibits drivers from using suction mounts on their windshields while
operating motor vehicles. Other dashboard or friction type mountings should be used. Globalsat/ USGlobalsat
does not take responsibility for any fines, penalties, or damages that may be incurred as a result of this notice.
(See: California Vehicle Code Section 26708(a); Minnesota Statues 2005, Section 169.71. It’s the users
responsibility to check their own state and local ordinances laws to avoid violation.
6.3 Turning On the Power (Step 3)
1. Turn device’s power button “ON”.
7. Main Menu Overview
Main Menu Overview
Upon boot up completion, the unit will automatically will display the
Main Menu providing users with six categories.
Settings Menu
Custom settings can be perform from the “Settings” icon.