GPS timing and tracking device
Your vehicle shall be equipped with a
, which checks perma- nently your
itinerary and will record the intermediate time keeping points during the regularity
This system is composed of :
- a
device (width: 16 cm; height: 10 cm; depth including cable
connection: approx. 8 cm)
- a magnetic external antenna (cable length: 5m)
- an external power supply module to connect to your vehicle (cable length : 1m)
The GPS screen will not display any usefull information to the competitor and its
knobs will be disabled.
You shall beforehand fit your vehicle with an electrical connection according to the following technical
specifications :
Electrical power supply under 6 Vdc or 12 Vdc directly connected to the battery :
• This power supply connection shall be made with a cable of two conductors of a 0.75mm2 section.
• The positive
(indicated by a
red conductor
) shall be protected by a 1 Ampere fuse.
The wires shall be terminated with isolated female Fast-On’s (see the terminals technical
description here below).
• This power supply shall reach the nearness of the location you shall have chosen for the GPS. The
power supply cable will allow the connection of the power supply module provided by TRIPY.
• This power supply shall be PERMANENT, 24 h/day, for the whole rally duration including when in
the Parc Fermé at the end of the stages.