; You can save the file and exit now if you don't care the other options.
; NFS mounts, should be listed in /etc/fstab
; For IPX interfaces, the frame type and network number
; Extra stuff to do after setting up the interface
start_fn () { return; }
; Extra stuff to do before shutting down the interface
stop_fn () { return; }
13) Restart pcmcia-cs with the command
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia pcmcia
# ./pcmcia restart
14) Insert the card. A solid LED indicates that the SSID you specified was found,a bss was joined,
and the firmware completed the authenticate and associate processes.
15) Run ifconfig and route to determine if the device WLAN0 is includes and your IP and route
settings are listed as you wanted them.It's also a good idea to look at the file /etc/resolv.conf to
see if your nameserver address has been set up correctly.