Global Manufacturing, Inc
1801 East 22nd Street
Little Rock, AR 72206 USA
w w w. G l o b a l M a n u f a c t u r i n g . c o m
Appendix I - Replacing the Quick
Exhaust Valve's Exhaust Port Bands
The Air Blaster is fired by a sudden pressure
drop in the air inlet line, therefore, all pressure
within the tank must be relieved before the
tank can be dismounted. Failure to relieve air
pressure may result in unexpected Air Blaster
discharge, causing serious injury or death to
nearby persons.
1. Turn off the air supply to the Air Blaster using
the shut off ball valve.
2. Fire the Air Blaster to relieve all the pressure
within the tank. If it is not possible to fire the Air
Blaster, pull the ring on the pressure relief valve
mounted on the Air Blaster tank.
3. Remove the pressure relief valve from the Air
4. Disconnect the air line from the G-Series Quick
Exhaust Valve (QEV) Air Blaster air inlet port. Do
not remove the QEV from the Air Blaster.
5. Remove old bands one at a time. Stretch and
slide each band over the QEV housing until it lies
flat over the recess around the exhaust ports. Put
the band with the printing, "Replace Bands
Now!"on first with the printing facing outward.
The second band is then installed over the first to
cover the printing. There must be two bands!
6. Re-install the air line and recharge the Air Blaster
by turning on the air supply using the ball valve.
Pressure Relief Valve
125 PSI Maximum