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Stainless Steel Drum Scale

readability, see  ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss) can be accumulated. This setting 
(UUSSEERR--OOTTHHEERR--NNLLDD..RRNNGG)) can be modified from its default within UUsseerr  SSeettuupp mode, but 
changes will impact other functions such as HHOOLLDD. 

2. Remove the load and place another load to continue accumulating, press and release

AACCCC//TTOOTTAALL to add the new value.   

NNoottee:: To avoid duplicating a value for a same load, the accumulation function requires the 
original load to be removed before a new value can be accumulated. 

3. To view the total accumulated data at any time, press and hold the AACCCC//TTOOTTAALL key for 4 seconds.

It will alternatively display the accumulation times and the accumulated sum total thus far (weight
or quantity), until the AACCCC//TTOOTTAALL key is pressed again. Accumulated times and total values can be
displayed or sent to another device via the serial port by pressing and releasing the PPRRIINNTT//FFUUNNCC

4. To clear and reset the accumulated data, press and release the ZZEERROO//OONN//OOFFFF key while total

accumulated data and the accumulated sum total are alternatively displayed.

NNoottee::  When the HHOOLLDD function is enabled and working in PPEEAAKK  HHOOLLDD mode, the Accumulation 
function will automatically be disabled. 

CCoouunnttiinngg  M



The counting function calculates and displays the piece quantity of the load that has been weighed. 

1. From normal weighing mode or percent-weighing mode, press and hold the

PPRRIINNTT//FFUUNNCC key for 4 seconds. Use the 

keys to select CCOOUUNNTT, then press 

the TTAARREE//PPRREESSEETT key to confirm and enter counting mode.  
OONN//OOFFFF  functions are all available. 


2. There are two ways to input the piece weight.

a. To input a known piece weight directly:

i. Press the  UUNNIITT//DDAATTAA key. When IInnPP..PPW

Wtt is shown, press 



key to enter “Input Piece Weight” mode.

 ZZEERROO//OONN//OOFFFF  to exit “Input Piece Weight” 

NNoottee: At any time you can press and 
return to counting mode. 

ii. When


 is shown, use the

keys to select the piece weight unit of 

measure, and then use the  TTAARREE//PPRREESSEETT key to confirm. 

iii. The previously entered piece weight will be shown (the default value




Use the and 


 keys to input a new piece weight, then press 

 key for 4 seconds to input the decimal point. Press the 

TTAARREE//PPRREESSEETT key to confirm and return to counting mode.  
NNoottee:: If the input piece weight is less than 0.5d (where d = the scale’s 

readability, see specifications), the indicator will display 



 and will 

automatically return to counting mode. 

b. To input the piece weight by weighing a sample of a known quantity:

i. Press the  UUNNIITT//DDAATTAA key. When 



 is shown, use

keys to 

User Manual

Содержание 412584

Страница 1: ...usuario Manuel de l utilisateur Customer Service US 1 800 645 2986 Servicio de atenci n al Cliente US 1 800 645 2986 Service la client le Canada 888 645 2986 Models 412584 Stainless Steel Drum Digita...

Страница 2: ...Setup Mode 9 Main menu 9 USER Submenu 10 5 OPERATIONS 15 Change working mode 15 Normal Weighing Mode 15 ZERO 16 Setting a Tare Weight 16 Setting a Pre Determined Tare Weight 16 Check Weighing Data Co...

Страница 3: ...ons table Allow the scale to acclimate to room temperature before using Allow sufficient warm up time Turn the scale on and allow up to 2 minutes for internal components to stabilize before weighing E...

Страница 4: t lb kg D Di is sp pl la ay y 6 digit 7 segment 1 25mm LCD with backlight Z Ze er ro o R Ra an ng ge e Programmable zero range T Ta ar re e R Ra an ng ge e Full capacity S St ta ab bi il li iz za...

Страница 5: ...600mA adapter Indicator Manual U Un np pa ac ck ki in ng g a an nd d I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on n Place the scale platform on a hard floor and level the feet Connect the indicator to the platf...

Страница 6: ...6 Stainless Steel Drum Scale 3 OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Indicator Display Character Definitions User Manual...

Страница 7: mode Hold type is PEAK HOLD lb Measure unit is lb or lb oz oz Measure unit is oz or lb oz kg Measure unit is kg Measure unit is in percentage weighing mode Pcs Measure unit is pieces in counting mo...

Страница 8: ...hing mode 3 seconds Changes weighing unit of measure Counting or Percent mode 3 seconds Enters the submenu to input piece weight for counting or to enter reference weight for percent weighing Weighing...

Страница 9: ...main menu item then press the T TA AR RE E P PR RE ES SE ET T key to enter the item use key to select the submenu item to select a choice to set a number to confirm and save data and or to exit this m...

Страница 10: ...ed or request command received S ST TA AB BL LE E output after scale is stable N No ot te e use PRINT or CMD to output data the scale must be stable P Pr rt tc cm md d C CO ON NT T P PR RI IN NT T C C...

Страница 11: is STATUS N NO O N NO O B B L LI IN NE E N NO ON NE E How many blank lines after strings output NONE no blank line LINE1 2 3 4 there re 1 2 3 or 4 blank lines after strings used for paper feed forw...

Страница 12: ...Yes No enable disable output weight of 1 percentage Prompt is 1 REF WT N NO O N NO O C CO OU UN NT T Y YE ES S Yes No enable disable output counts Prompt is QUANTITY N NO O N NO O P PW WT T Y YE ES S...

Страница 13: press HOLD key again to exit AVERAG Average HOLD mode in this mode if weight is over NLD RNG and its variation is less than HLD RNG the average data in AVG TIM will be frozen Press HOLD key or HLD...

Страница 14: ...time 0 not auto power off 1 255 auto power off after 1 255 minutes in this period no operation or no weight changing 5 5 O OF FF F M MD D O OF FF F Auto off mode OFF turn off instrument DSP TIM displa...

Страница 15: ...6 Power off the scale by pressing and holding the ZERO ON OFF key for 4 seconds Table5 1 use Kg as primary unit Calibration division value Display division value in different weight unit that can be...

Страница 16: ...t available 50 lb Not available Not available ZERO If the display does not show 0 and there is no an object on the platform press the ZERO ON OFF key to zero the reading Zero range 2 full Capacity The...

Страница 17: ...d move to the next step 4 Low will be displayed quickly the last Lo limit value will be displayed the default value is 000000 LO on the display will be lit Use the keys to input the lower limit of the...

Страница 18: ...quantity of the load that has been weighed 1 From normal weighing mode or percent weighing mode press and hold the P PR RI IN NT T F FU UN NC C key for 4 seconds Use the keys to select C CO OU UN NT T...

Страница 19: ...n after powering off The indicator can only save one piece weight Entering a new piece weight will automatically replace the old one C Ch he ec ck k C Co ou un nt ts s c co ou un nt ts s c co om mp pa...

Страница 20: number if the scale is stable If the scale is not stable but the variation is less than U US SE ER R H HO OL LD D H HL LD D R RN NG G the scale will average data in U US SE ER R H HO OL LD D A AV...

Страница 21: ...eak HOLD mode the P PE EA AK K and H HO OL LD D announciator will be lit and for other HOLD modes the H HO OL LD D announciator will be lit When H HO OL LD D announciator is flashing the displayed num...

Страница 22: ...ror 1 calibration error 1 initial zero error 1 low battery 4 always 1 always 1 always 1 always 1 5 always 1 always 1 always 1 always 1 6 always 0 always 1 always 1 always 0 7 parity parity parity pari...

Страница 23: ...C CR R 58h 0dh Response power off the scale just like press down the off the scale viii Command all others Response Unrecognized command LF CR ETX b Summary of Command and Response C Co om mm ma an nd...

Страница 24: ...yte of string frame b Layout examples when U US SE ER R O OU UT T1 1 2 2 x xx xx xx x is set to Y YE ES S I In n w we ei ig gh hi in ng g m mo od de e SCALE ID GROSS TARE NET ACC N TOTAL DATE TIME A D...

Страница 25: ...ame as W above K K 4b Switch to and send metric weight Same as W above others Un known commands STX Status Byte CR 9 Communication Details when U US SE ER R C CO OM M1 1 2 2 L LA AY YO OU UT T is set...

Страница 26: ...ponse Command Response ASCII HEX W CR 57 0D Returns decimal lb kg or oz weight units and status LF pxxx xxUU CR hh ETX Returns ounces weight with units plus scale status LF p00xxxxxOZ CR hh ETX Scale...

Страница 27: ...the scale and press the TARE PRESET key to confirm the Z ZE ER RO O will flash when it is in the catching zero point state After receiving reasonable data it will automatically continue to step 8 Lin...

Страница 28: ...sed on C CA AL L P P2 2 onto the scale The next operation steps are the same as explained in step b g When the stable and reasonable data corresponding to the standard weight has been received the ind...

Страница 29: ...29 Stainless Steel Drum Scale TABLE6 1 Location Code for different elevation and latitude User Manual...

Страница 30: ...e display Format is xx xx xx hh mm ss 24h format 3 Press and hold the UNIT DATA key for more than 4 seconds to enter modification time mode Using keys to modify current time If inactivity exceeds 5 se...

Страница 31: ...ght reading below Power On Zero limit 1 Install platform on the scale 2 Check whether an object stuck between the load cell and scale base if yes remove the object 3 Perform zero calibration 1 Weight...

Страница 32: ...uring units missed CONFIG parameters are not correctly set Re set CONFIG parameters per the Technical Manual Incorrect counting result or percent weighing result when using SPL to enter a piece weight...

Страница 33: ...nless Steel Drum Scale 1 10 0 R Re ep pl la ac ce em me en nt t p pa ar rt t P Pa ar rt t N Nu um mb be er r D De es sc cr ri ip pt ti io on n 318529 AC adapter 9V 600mA 412587 Display Indicator User...
