15) After the C/A has fully cured, double check
the alignment of the motor and clamp. While hold-
ing them firmly in place, use a pencil to mark the
four mounting hole locations onto the spruce blocks.
16) Remove the motor and clamp assembly
from the fuselage. Using a 1/16” drill bit, drill four
shallow pilot holes into the spruce blocks.
17) Set the clamp and motor back into place
and realign them. Set the second half of the clamp
over the motor and install the four wood screws.
Tighten the screws evenly to secure the motor firmly
into place. See photo # 41 below.
Photo # 41
Please complete steps # 18 - # 23 during the
Final Assembly section. Because the speed
control has BEC circuitry, a separate onboard
battery pack is not necessary.
18) If your motor did not come with any plugs
attached to the motor wires, you will need to install
plugs that are compatible with those on your speed
control. An even better alternative is to remove the
plugs from the speed control and solder the speed
control wires directly to the motor wires. Whichever
method you choose, connect the motor wires to the
speed control at this time.
Removing the motor plugs from the speed con-
trol typically won't void any warranties, but you
might want to check with the manufacturer of the
speed control before doing so.
19) Using a modeling knife, cut a scrap piece
of 1/8” x 1/4” balsa, or equivalent, into two 2-1/2”
long pieces. These pieces will be the flight battery
21) Slide the flight battery, with the connector
toward the top of the fuselage, between the two balsa
supports. Push the battery down firmly until the
bottom of the battery rests against the fuselage floor.
See photo # 43 below.
Photo # 42
20) Using Kwik Bond Thin C/A, glue both of
the balsa supports into the fuselage. The first sup-
port is glued directly to the forward bulkhead, 1-1/2”
down from the top of the fuselage. The second sup-
port is glued between the fuselage sides, 1-1/2” behind
the forward bulkhead and 1-1/4” down from the wing
saddle. Angle the second support back about 30º to
easier accept the battery. See photo # 42 below.
22) After test fitting the battery pack into place,
remove it from the fuselage. Apply a piece of Dubro
Hook & Loop Material to the surface of the lower
support and the bottom of the battery. When you
slide the battery back into place, this will keep the
battery from moving during flight.
23) Mount the on-off switch on the speed con-
trol, in the forward section of the airplane, behind
the lower battery support. If your speed control is
equipped with a separate arming switch, mount it to
the fuselage side next to the switch.
24) The speed control should be mounted to the
fuselage floor, behind the flight battery, using a piece
of Dubro Hook & Loop Material.
Photo # 43