SECTION 12 - 1
Crossing obstacles
If you are a first time user or don’t have the physical
strength, it is advisable to have an attendant assist you while
crossing obstacles (e.g. sidewalk kerb). The attendant can tilt
the chair back using the hand grips and the rear tilt bar, then
pushing large wheels as far as the kerb, then lifting the
wheelchair up over the kerb.
If you are an experienced user and have the physical
strength, the following method may be used. Place the
wheelchair in front of the kerb. By moving the push rim
quickly forward, the castors will lift and the chair will surge
forward enabling you to place the castors on top of the kerb.
Then by leaning forward ease the rear wheels up the kerb. If
footplate touches obstacle, perform same operation but lift
the front castor just before the obstacle is reached.
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