WRMnano User Manual page
should be cleared;
- select function of interest from the drop-down menu:
- press button
If everything is correct (generally WRMnano ID and primary address are typed correct
and WRMnano is powered), WRMnano will respond with a telegram, which 'tells' us what is On
and what is Off. In our software this is automatically decoded and all functions state can be
seen in log window after WRMnano respond as shown below:
Fig. 7. Status flags
Flags, that can be set, are as follows:
Auto mode
- if set WRMnano will add automatically meters from the air, unitl their
number reaches 64;
Return timestamp
- in each wired m-bus telegram WRMnano will put m-bus
timestamp of the last reading. This way user knows when exactly WRMnano has read a
Return RSSI
- WRMnano in each wired m-bus telegram last read RSSI value for
particular meter;
Automaticalyl decrypt AES-128
- turns On or Off AES-128 decryption by WRMnano
- decodes some APATOR meters, which are not exactly OMS-
compatible, to standard m-bus telegram;
Decode Techem
- same, decodes Techem telegram, which are manufacturer specific
Filter by Manufacturer
- if set, then Filtering by saved manufacturer codes is ON
Filter by ID
- if set, then Filtering by saved ID masks codes is ON
Filter by Medium
- if set, then Filtering by saved mediums is ON. Allowed are only
valid m-bus mediums due to 13757-3.