Shoulder Straps
The optimum setting for the shoulder straps depends on the height of the pilot. Stand upright
with the chest/leg straps closed and symmetrically adjust the shoulder straps until they are
just tight. During flight, these straps should be a little slack. You will find the adjustable
buckles either side of the seat.
Lateral Straps
The lateral straps adjust the angle between the thighs and the back. This angle can be set
between 100° and 130°. Lengthening the straps increases the angle and vice-versa. The easiest
way to adjust them correctly is during a flight in calm air. Remember that flying in the “supine
position” that means leaning back, reduces the stability of the harness and increases the risk of
twisting after an asymmetric deflation.
Leg Straps
The correct adjustment of the leg straps allows the pilot to easily reach the sitting position
after take-off without using his hands. In the standing position, use the buckles under the chest
strap to adjust the leg straps so that they fit comfortably without being tight; make sure you do
it symmetrically. If it is necessary to lengthen the leg straps, first check that the shoulder
straps are not too tight. It is not normally necessary to make large adjustments from the
default leg strap setting.
Chest Strap
adjustment of the chest strap controls the distance between the carabiners and affects the
handling and stability of the glider. Widening the distance between the carabiners increases
feedback from the wing and allows for easier weight shifting. Closing the strap gives you a more
stable feeling in turbulence but increases the risk of stable spiral and also the risk of twisting!
We advise pilots of GIN paragliders to fly with a distance between the carabiners of
approximately 44 to 48 cm.
The chest strap may also be adjusted in flight according to the conditions; for example, it may
be tightened in turbulent air 9 (within the manufacturer’s recommended range) and flown at a
looser setting in weak conditions.
Seat Straps
The seat straps change the depth of the seat. Adjust to find a comfortable position. In the
sitting position, lengthen the straps to their maximum at first and then use the plastic buckles
to shorten the straps to find a comfortable position with good back support. Lengthening the
straps also helps you to slide easily into the harness at take off, while shortening the straps
helps you to be in the standing position for landing.
Speed Bar
Hanging in the simulator, adjust the length of the speed bar cord so that the bar hangs at least
15cm below the front of the harness. Making the cord too short could result in the speed system
being constantly or unintentionally engaged during flight. It is safer to start with the speed bar