Gigaset N300/N300A IP / GBR / A31008-M2214-L101-2-7619 / Glossary.fm / 16.07.13
rsion 4, 16.0
Connected Line Identification Presentation/
Feature provided by a VoIP/ISDN connection
for outgoing calls.
COLP displays the phone number accepting
the call on the calling party's display unit.
The number of the party accepting the call is
different to the dialled number, e.g., if the
call is diverted or transferred.
The called party can use COLR (Connected
Line Identification Restriction) to prevent
the number from appearing on the calling
party's display.
Consultation call
You are on a call. With a consultation call, you
interrupt the conversation briefly to estab-
lish a second connection to another partici-
pant. If you end the connection to this par-
ticipant immediately, then this was a consul-
tation call. If you switch between the first
and second participant, it is called
Call Waiting
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Internet protocol that handles the automatic
assignment of
. The protocol is made available in the
network by a server. A DHCP server can, for
example, be a router.
The phone contains a DHCP client. A router
that contains a DHCP server can assign the IP
addresses for the phone automatically from
a defined address block. The dynamic
assignment means that several
can share one IP address,
although they can only use it alternately and
not simultaneously.
With some routers you can specify that the IP
address for the phone is never changed.
Displayed name
VoIP provider feature. You can specify any
name that is to be shown to the other party
during a call instead of your phone number.
DMZ (Demilitarised Zone)
DMZ describes a part of a network that is
outside the firewall.
A DMZ is set up, as it were, between a net-
work you want to protect (e.g., a LAN) and a
non-secure network (e.g., the Internet). A
DMZ permits unrestricted access from the
Internet to only one or a few network com-
ponents, while the other network compo-
nents remain secure behind the firewall.
Domain Name System
Hierarchical system that permits the assign-
ment of
are easier to memorise. This assignment has
to be managed by a local DNS server in each
(W)LAN. The local DNS server determines
the IP address, if necessary by enquiring
about superordinate DNS servers and other
local DNS servers on the Internet.
You can specify the IP address of the pri-
mary/secondary DNS server.
Domain name
Name of one (of several) web server(s) on
the Internet (e.g., Gigaset.net). The domain
name is assigned to the relevant IP address
by DNS.
Differentiated Service Code Point
Digital Subscriber Line
Data transfer technology that allows Inter-
net access with e.g.,
over a conven-
tional telephone line. Prerequisites: DSL
modem and the appropriate service offered
by the Internet provider.