User Manual
32 /33
characters (‘b’, ‘a’ and ‘c’). In addition, the demo also supports remote wakeup which is
the ability of a USB device to bring a suspended bus back to the active condition, and
the wakeup key is used as the remote wakeup source.
DEMO Running Result
Before running the demo, please ensure that jumper JP13 jump to USB. After doing this,
download the program <23_USB_Device\HID_Keyboard)> to the EVAL board and run. If
you press
the Wakeup key, will output ‘b’. If you press the User key, will output ‘c’. If you
press the
Tamper key, will output ‘a’.
If you want to test USB remote wakeup function, you can do as follows:
- Manually switch PC to standby mode
- Wait for PC to fully enter the standby mode
- Push the Wakeup key
- If PC is ON, remote wakeup is OK, else failed.
DEMO Purpose
This demo includes the following functions of GD32 MCU:
Learn to use the USBFS as a HID host
Learn the operation between the HID host and the mouse device
Learn the operation between the HID host and the keyboard device
EVAL evaluation board integrates the USBFS module, and the module can be used as a
USBFS device, a USBFS host or OTG device. This demo mainly shows how to use the
USBFS as a USB HID host to communicate with external USB HID device.
DEMO Running Result
Jump the JP13 to USB. Then download the program <24_USB_Host\USBH_HID> to the
EVAL board and run.