User Manual
24 /33
DEMO Purpose
This Demo includes the following function of GD32 MCU:
Learn how to use SPI to block read and write from TF card
In this demo, the SPI interface is used for reading from and writing to TF card. Write to
TF card with 0 to 255, a total of 2048 bytes directly. Then read data from the original
address, check the correctness of the written and read data. Note that, the FATFS is not
used in this demo and in the absence of FATFS, read and write to the TF card will
destroy the file system, please make a backup before testing.
DEMO Running Result
Firstly, JP10 and JP11 must be fitted to SPI and then download the program
<12_SPI_TF_Card_Block_Operation> to the EVAL board. All the LEDs are turned on
and then turned off for test. Insert the TF card to the board, the test results will be
displayed on the LCD screen.