Giga-tronics GT-1000A Microwave Power Amplifier
Page 6
Operation Manual, Part Number 34672, Rev. C, March 2011
GT-1000A Rear Panel Description
Table 2 describes the parts and functions of items on the rear panel. Refer to Figure 3 on page 4 for the location
of the items on the rear panel.
Table 2: GT-1000A Rear Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connections
GT-1000A Rear Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connections
RF In (Option 05 only; the RF input is
located on the front panel in Option 04)
Option 02: Type N female connectors
Option 03: SMA female connectors
RF Out (Option 05 only; the RF output is
located on the front panel in Option 04)
Detector out (Option 01 only)
The output connector for the internal coupler/detector. This
output can be used for external ALC and power monitoring.
SMA (f), -1 Volt DC nominal detector output at 10 Watts RF
out, and nominally -250 mV at 1 Watt RF out, into high
AC Input and fuse
Provides the AC power input and over-current protection for
the amplifier.
For fuse specifications at the AC voltage to be used for the
GT-1000A, see Table 13 on page 15.
Instructions for replacing the fuse are located on page 7.
Serial number label
Provides important information about the GT-1000
microwave power amplifier.
A full description of the information on the serial number
label is provided below.
Serial Number Label Description
Type of Information
This is a two-digit manufacturing code
This identifies the model. This line is usually “GT-1000A.”
This is a seven-digit serial number, and provides a unique
identifier for each GT-1000A.
When options have been included in the GT-1000A, one or
more two-digit numbers are listed on this line of the label.
For more information about options, see Appendix A on
page 19.
Contains important unique configuration information.