14. Before replacing pump
manifold (29), fi rst rotate
crankshaft (18) until two
outside plungers (24A)
extend evenly forward. Next
lubricate v-sleeves (50) in
the rear v-sleeve housing
(48) and slide housing over
plungers. Lubricate ceramic
plungers with a light fi lm of
oil. Carefully and evenly
slide manifold over plung-
ers and press manifold
fi rmly against crankcase (1).
Replace manifold stud bolts
(45), washers (47) and nut
(46) and tighten to 35 ft.-lbs.
(47.5 Nm).
11. Inspect ceramic plunger
(24A) tips for wear. If neces-
sary, replacement of the
ceramic plungers may be
accomplished by removing
the plunger bolt assemblies
(24B and 24C) with a 13mm
wrench. Ceramic plung-
ers should now slide off the
stainless steel plunger base
(22). Excessive resistance
to plunger removal may be
overcome by heating the
stainless steel plunger base.
This will melt any excess
loc-tite beneath the ceramic
plunger allowing easy re-
12. Replace copper ring (24C)
onto plunger bolt (24B). Slide
plunger bolt assembly into ce-
ramic plunger (24A). Apply a
light fi lm of loc-tite to plunger
bolt threads and place plunger
assembly onto stainless steel
plunger base (22) and tighten
tension screw (24B) to 199
in.-lbs. (22.5 Nm).
13. To replace plunger oil seals
(26), proceed to “Gear End
Disassembly” section below.
Otherwise, continue as de-
scribed below.
9. If pitted or worn, replace inlet valve seats (36),
valve plates (37), springs (35) and spring
retainers (34). Re-insert items 34-38 into valve
adapter (39). Install valve assembly (34-40) into
manifold (29). Reinstall manifold plugs (41) and
torque plugs to 52 ft.-lbs. (70 Nm).
10. The rear v-sleeve
housing (48) may be
removed by prying
evenly outward with a
fl at screwdriver. After
slipping housing over
ceramic plunger (24A),
inspect seals (50) and
o-ring (49) and replace
as necessary. If the
crankcase is to be dis-
assembled, the housing
should not be replaced
until later.
Repair Instructions