10 | Service
G 1700 series
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10.1 Manufacturer
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
GHM Messtechnik GmbH
GHM GROUP - Greisinger
Hans-Sachs-Str. 26
93128 Regenstauf | GERMANY
WEEE reg. no. DE 93889386
10.2 Calibration and adjustment service
The purpose of the calibration is to verify the precision of the measuring device by
comparing it with a traceable reference.
Both ISO calibration certificates and DAkkS calibration certificates are available from
The ISO standard 9001 is applied for the iso-calibration certificates.
These certificates area affordable alternative to the DAkkS calibration certificates and
provide information of the traceable reference, a list of individual values and documen-
The DAkkS calibration is based on DIN EN ISO/17025, the accreditation basis is
recognised worldwide. These certificates offer high-quality calibration and consistently
high quality. The DAkkS calibration includes any necessary adjustment with the pur-
pose of minimising a deviation of the measuring device.
The device is delivered with a test report.
This confirms that the measuring device has been adjusted and tested, without making
any statement about the accuracy of a temperature sensor.
Only the manufacturer can check the basic settings and make corrections if necessary.