The system is equipped with a “SET FUNCTIONS” which allows to program and customize
the alarm following to the user needs.
To access to the SET FUNCTIONS:
1 - The alarm must be disarmed.
2 - Switch the vehicle ignition key on, place the GT888 handsets contacts to the receptacle
and check that 5 quick beeps are emitted and the RED LED will switch on constant. The
alarm is in SET FUNCTIONS mode. Switch the ignition key off.
3 - After 5 seconds starting from the function No.1 a sequence of LED beeps corresponding
to the function are emitted, the LED flashes can be GREEN or RED to indicate the function
state. The sequential cycle of the LED flashes (from the function No.1 to No.7) is repeated
twice and after you come out automatically from the SET FUNCTION.
4 - To select a function switch on-off the ignition in conjunction with the relative signal, the
LED switches on constant.
5 - Within 10 seconds change the the function by pressing the ON/OFF handset button.
The change is confirmed by the change of the LED colour and by a beep. After 10 seconds,
starting from the last function selected, the function sequence will start again.
To come out from the SET FUNCTIONS:
Wait untill the end of the signals and place the GT888 handsets contacts to the receptacle
(not during the Function No. 1 - HANDSETS SELF-CODING). The end of the sequence is
confirmed by the Led switching off and by 5 beeps. In the “FUNCTIONS TABLE” are the
functions which can be selected.
SET FUNCTIONS emergency disarming procedure.
If the GT888handset-electronic key lost it is possible to enter the SET FUNCTIONS:
A -
With the alarm disarmed disconnect the power supply and wait 3 minutes.
B -
Short-circuit the RECEPTACLE/LED contacts.
C -
Connect the power supply again.
D -
Switch on and off the vehicle ignition key four times and check that 5 quick beeps are
emitted and the LED is constant RED to confirm you have entered the SET FUNCTIONS.
E -
Remove the short-circuit between the RECEPTACLE/LED contacts before carrying out
the selection of a function that is required.