Suggested Recipes
Roasted Pig’s Cheek
Ingredients :
Pig’s Cheek
Seasoning :
Char Siu Sauce, Malt Sugar, Salt and Dark Soy Sauce
Procedure :
1. Mix all seasoning ingredients together with pig’s cheek, marinate for 2-4 hours.
2. Preheat cooking pot at 250 °C for 3 min.
3. Place meat on High Rack and grill for 10 min using Ring Extension;
turn over and cook for another 5 min.
Grilled Salmon Head
Ingredients :
Salmon Head
Seasoning :
Lemon Juice, Salt, Cooking Wine, Sesame Oil, Sugar, Corn Starch, Pepper
Procedure :
1. Mix seasoning ingredients together. Marinate fish for 30 min or more.
2. Grill salmon head at 250 °C in cooking pot using High Rack.
3. Turn over salmon head and grill for 5 min.
Garlic Bread
Ingredients :
Baguette, Garlic, Butter, Cheese Powder (Optional)
Procedure :
1. Slice baguette into desired thickness.
2. Mix minced garlic with melted butter spread mixture on sliced bread
(Sprinkle cheese for extra flavour).
3. Preheat cooking pot at 225 °C and toast garlic breads for 3 min.
For more recipes, please visit German Pool website at www.germanpool.com.
Supplied Accessories
Optional Accessory
For Rice, Noodles, Soup, etc.
Casserole Pot With Cover
Allows food to be placed near heat source,
e.g. Skewers; can be used simultaneously
with low rack for multi-level cooking.
To carry food or plate in and out of
cooking pot.
For larger food items such as Grilled
Duck, Grilled Chicken, Casserole, etc.
Low Rack
Combo Rack
Plate Lifter
For Gyoza Dumplings, Fish, etc.
For baking small items such as Nuts,
French Fries, Chinese Herbs, Cookies, etc.
To increase cooking pot capacity by 5 L.
Ideal for Grilled Duck, Grilled Chicken
and multi-level cooking.
Ring Extension
Frying Pan
Baking Pan