Inspecting the shipment for damage
The Gerber P2C plotter is shipped EXW or CPT, Boston, MA, USA, and you are responsible for
obtaining insurance against any damage that may occur after it leaves our dock. Since the
installer is familiar with the Gerber P2C and will unpack and install it for you, they will help
you by checking for visible and concealed damage.
If the packaging shows visible evidence of damage when you first remove it from the truck, list
and describe the damage on the delivery receipt and have it co-signed by the driver. Describe
the damage in as much detail as possible. Immediately contact Gerber Customer Service
(800-222-7446) and describe the damage.
Concealed damage is the most difficult type of claim to collect from the carrier and normally
cannot be determined until the unpacking and installation sequence. The burden of proof is on
you to prove the shipment suffered damage while in the carrier’s possession. If the carrier holds
a clear delivery receipt with no notation describing the damage and the shipment remains in
your possession a long time, it may be more difficult to collect from the carrier. Time is of the
utmost importance.
As the installer unpacks the Gerber P2C plotter, they will inspect everything for damage. If the
installer discovers damage, they will stop unpacking and do nothing further to disturb the
shipment. The installer will save all packaging and leave the damaged equipment exactly where
it is, if possible. You should take photographs, if possible. You must telephone the carrier
immediately and request an inspection when you report the damage. Make sure you write
down the name of the person you talk to and immediately confirm the telephone conversation
with a letter to that person. If the carrier does not make the inspection or waives inspection, you
(and your distributor or installer, if available) should make the inspection and record all
information to the best of your ability. All reports of concealed damage must be received by the
carrier within 15 working days.