��) Both LEDs �lash slowly �or �� se��
�) Within �� se�� press the push��utton o� the ra�io �ontrol that
ha� �een �e�ory store� to ena�le learnin� on the sele�te�
�hannel (OPEN A or OPEN B)�
��) The LED on the �oar� relatin� to the �hannel �ein� learne�
�lashes �or �� se��� within whi�h ti�e the �o�e o� another ra�io
�ontrol �ust �e trans�itte��
6) The LED li�hts up on stea�y �ea� �or � se�on�s� in�i�atin�
�e�ory stora�e e�e�ute�� an� then resu�es �lashin� �or ��
se��� �urin� whi�h other ra�io �ontrols �an �e �e�ory store��
as in point ��� an� then �oes OFF�
12.3 Radio controls deletion procedure
�) To �elete
the ra�io �ontrol �o�es� hol� �own push��utton
OPEN A or OPEN B �or �0 se��
�) The LED relatin� to the presse� push��utton �lashes �or the �irst
�� se�� an� then �lashes �ore qui�kly �or the ne�t �� se��
��) Both LEDs li�ht up on stea�y �ea� �or � se� an� then �o
�) Release the presse� push��utton when �oth LEDs li�ht up on
a stea�y �ea��
This operation is NOT reversible.
All codes of radio controls stored as OPEN A and OPEN
B will be deleted.
After installation, make sure that no part of the door
interferes with public spaces such as pavements and�or
Che�k the status o� the unit’s inputs an� �ake sure that all the
sa�ety �e�i�es are �orre�tly �onne�te� (the rele�ant LEDs �ust
�e li�hte�)�
Run a �ew �o�plete �y�les to �he�k i� the auto�ate� syste�
an� the a��essories �onne�te� to it are operatin� �orre�tly�
a��ressin� spe�ial �are to the sa�ety �e�i�es an� the
anti��rushin� �e�i�e o� the operator� Che�k i� the auto�ate�
syste� is a�le to �ete�t an o�sta�le with a hei�ht o� ��0��
lai� on the �roun��
Apply the sti�kers in�i�atin� the release �anoeu�re near the
auto�ate� syste�� Apply the �an�er si�nal sti�ker (Fi�� ���)� so
that it is �learly �isi�le� near to the �oor or near to the �ontrol
Han� the �usto�er the pa�e entitle� “User’s �ui�e”� an�
�es�ri�e how the syste� works� an� the operator release an�
lo�kin� operations in�i�ate� in the �ui�e�
Fig. 33
Fig. 32
Conne�t the para�hute �a�les to the rear �oor an� to the
�eilin� la�p to pre�ent a��i�ental �alls (Fi�� ����)�
Run a �un�tional �he�k o� the syste� at least e�ery 6 �onths�
with spe�ial attention to the e��i�ien�y o� the sa�ety an� release
On�e a �onth: �he�k the e��i�ien�y o� the anti��rushin� �e�i�e
an� also �he�k i� it is a�le to �ete�t a ��0�� hi�h o�sta�le lai�
on the �roun��
The User �ust not in any way atte�pt to repair or to take �ire�t
a�tion an� �ust solely �onta�t quali�ie� GENIUS personnel or
GENIUS ser�i�e �entres�
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