AutoVu SharpX mobile installation | AutoVu Hardware Guide for SharpX Mobile Installation
EN.410.018-XS(6) | Last updated: October 6, 2016
Cable Tester overview
The cable tester is included in the AutoVu Alignment Kit and is used to verify if Sharp or SharpX
camera cables are wired correctly and are not defective.
The following tests can be performed with the Cable Tester:
Passive test:
Used to verify that the Sharp or SharpX camera cable is not defective.
Active test:
Used only for SharpX systems and is used to verify that the camera ports on the LPR
Processing Unit are not defective.
Additional information
SharpX cable connection
Test feedback - SharpX camera cable
Green solid: Good circuit
Red solid: Faulty connection
Test feedback - Sharp/ SharpX RJ45
Green solid: Good circuit
Red solid: Faulty connection
Red/green flashing: No ground connected
(black wire on SharpX 5-pos camera
Red/amber flashing: Intermittent connection
Chaser pattern: No passive board connected
or no cable connected