FORM # 9032-7191 (06/09/05)
1100 S. MORGAN ST.
PHONE: (260) 824-3440
FAX: (260) 824-3448
This worklight was thoroughly tested and inspected and found to be in
This worklight was thoroughly tested and inspected and found to be in
This worklight was thoroughly tested and inspected and found to be in
This worklight was thoroughly tested and inspected and found to be in
perfect working order before leaving our factory. If within 90 days from the
perfect working order before leaving our factory. If within 90 days from the
perfect working order before leaving our factory. If within 90 days from the
perfect working order before leaving our factory. If within 90 days from the
date of purchase, any part of this unit proves to be defective in material or
date of purchase, any part of this unit proves to be defective in material or
date of purchase, any part of this unit proves to be defective in material or
date of purchase, any part of this unit proves to be defective in material or
workmanship, such defective parts will be repaired or replaced (company
workmanship, such defective parts will be repaired or replaced (company
workmanship, such defective parts will be repaired or replaced (company
workmanship, such defective parts will be repaired or replaced (company
option) free of charge. The company’s liability in all events is limited to the
option) free of charge. The company’s liability in all events is limited to the
option) free of charge. The company’s liability in all events is limited to the
option) free of charge. The company’s liability in all events is limited to the
purchase price paid.
purchase price paid.
purchase price paid.
purchase price paid.
The individual LED’s are warranted for one year against defects in
The individual LED’s are warranted for one year against defects in
The individual LED’s are warranted for one year against defects in
The individual LED’s are warranted for one year against defects in
workmanship and material. The warranty does not apply to damage from
workmanship and material. The warranty does not apply to damage from
workmanship and material. The warranty does not apply to damage from
workmanship and material. The warranty does not apply to damage from
power surges, connection to wrong power source, alteration, misuse or
power surges, connection to wrong power source, alteration, misuse or
power surges, connection to wrong power source, alteration, misuse or
power surges, connection to wrong power source, alteration, misuse or
abuse, not attribute to the manufacturer, representatives, dealers, or their
abuse, not attribute to the manufacturer, representatives, dealers, or their
abuse, not attribute to the manufacturer, representatives, dealers, or their
abuse, not attribute to the manufacturer, representatives, dealers, or their
Illustrations and descriptions are for the sole purpose of identification and
Illustrations and descriptions are for the sole purpose of identification and
Illustrations and descriptions are for the sole purpose of identification and
Illustrations and descriptions are for the sole purpose of identification and
do not express or imply a warranty that the products will necessarily
do not express or imply a warranty that the products will necessarily
do not express or imply a warranty that the products will necessarily
do not express or imply a warranty that the products will necessarily
conform to the illustrations or descriptions.
conform to the illustrations or descriptions.
conform to the illustrations or descriptions.
conform to the illustrations or descriptions.
When returning product for warranty repair , please provide : from
whom purchased, date of purchase, attached receipt or invoice
90 Day Warranty