The curves above show the effect of the 'bass', 'mid' and 'treble' level
controls, and the 'bass tilt' and 'bass roll-off' controls on the free field
response, measured at 2 m. Note that the free-field mid-range ripple is
substantially reduced when the speaker is flush mounted as recom-
The curve group above shows the horizontal directivity characteristics
of 1034BC in its vertical configuration measured at 1 m.The lower
curve is a 1/6 octave power response measurement, derived from 144
individual directivity measurements.
The reference axis lies between midrange and tweeter drivers.
Order Code
Opt-09 Grille
Calibrated crossover control
switches. MUTE disconnects the
channel for testing.
The tweeter and the sealed
midrange driver are mounted on a
DCW to match their dispersion
characteristics. The DCW can be
rotated for vertical mounting (see
previous page).
The treble, midrange and bass am-
plifiers each produce 120 W, 350 W
and 2 x 400 W respectively of short
term power with very low THD and
IM distortion. Special attention has
been paid to electronic design to
ensure the highest subjective sound
quality currently possible. The sys-
tem incorporates special overload
protection circuitry for the drivers.
Thermal protection is also included
for the amplifiers.
The bass frequencies are repro-
duced by two long throw 305 mm
(12") bass drivers loaded with a 160
liter vented box. The -3dB point is
32 Hz and the low frequency re-
sponse extends down to 28 Hz (-6
dB). The midrange frequencies are
reproduced by a proprietary 130
mm (5") direct radiating cone driver
loaded with a DCW. The high fre-
quency driver is a 25 mm (1") metal
dome also loaded by a DCW, with
an upper -3dB point at 22 kHz.
The 1034BC is magnetically
shielded in order to minimise inter-
ference with video monitors.
The active crossover network con-
sists of three parallel band pass
filters, with crossover frequencies
at 400 Hz and 3.2 kHz, and a
common balanced input stage. All
the filters are aligned for equal phase
and group delay characteristics and
are acoustically complementary.
The filter slopes are 24 dB/octave.
To adjust the balance of the drivers
to suit a particular acoustic environ-
ment, bass midrange and treble
level controls are included, which
adjust the output in 1 dB steps. In
addition, low frequency 'roll-off' and
'tilt' controls are present, to allow
further refinement of the system
The revolutionary Directivity Con-
trol Waveguide Technology is a
means of vastly improving the per-
formance of a direct radiating
multiway loudspeaker in normal lis-
tening conditions.
The basic idea is to match the
different drive units precisely, both
in terms of frequency response and
directivity. This will result in a
smoother and virtually uncoloured
off-axis response of the system.
Also due to improved directivity
control especially in the midrange
and high frequencies, more direct
sound and less early boundary re-
flections are received at the listening
position. This gives a more accu-
rate stereo imaging and makes the
system less sensitive to differing
control room acoustics than any
conventional direct radiator design.
The DCW Technology improves
drive unit sensitivity from +2 to +6
dB thus increasing the system's
maximum sound pressure level.
MUTE -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7