GemOro Superior Instruments
Before cleaning any piece of jewelry or gemstone, you
should consult with a professional to correctly identify the item
you desire to clean and confirm that it is suitable to be cleaned
with a steam cleaner. GemOro disclaims, to the maximum
extent permissible, (a) any responsibility for damage to jewelry
or any other item, and (b) any responsibility for direct, special,
incidental or consequential damages under any legal theory.
For more information on jewelry care and cleaning, or assistance with
finding qualified professionals with whom you may consult regarding
the potential cleaning of your jewelry, visit the following jewelry
industry websites:
American Gem Society (AGS) Guide to Fine Jewelry Care
Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
Jewelers of America (JA)
Always inspect the setting for loose stones prior to cleaning. Stones
that are insecurely set may fall out when cleaned by a steam cleaner.
Prior to cleaning, carefully touch the stone with a small probe (like
a toothpick); the stone should not shift or wiggle.
If a stone falls
out as a result of being cleaned with a steam cleaner, please be
aware that the stone would have eventually fallen out anyway.
Most consider it better to have a stone fall out in a reasonably
controlled environment as opposed to at random while wearing it.
The following types of jewelry should only be cleaned by a
knowledgeable professional:
• Antique jewelry
• Enamel jewelry
• Paste jewelry (which is common with costume jewelry)
• Costume jewelry
• Jewelry containing stones that have been set with glue