10 to 100 kW modulation is carried out via the B se-
ries RVA 47 regulator, which integrates all heating
and domestic hot water production requests. All re-
quests are then transmitted to the LGM which thus
adapts the power of each of the boiler’s modules.
In order to maintain constant air/gas proportions in
all the modulation range, the gas valve is directly
servo-controlled by the ventilator.
If the boiler is equipped with the RVA 46 regulator
(option), each one can control a heating circuit by
transmitting its request to the B series RVA 47 regu-
When several THR 10-100 boilers are installed in a
cascade, 10 to 400 kW modulation is carried out by
one of the B series RVA 47 regulators installed as
master regulator and which integrates all the re-
quests transmitted by the other boilers’ B series
RVA 47s.
THR 10-100 C
an RVA 47
- Network pump control or heating circuit pump control.
- Domestic hot water production through a load pump (via RVA 47)
connected to the network.
With option:
one or two
RVA 46s
- Network pump control or heating circuit pump control.
- Domestic hot water production through a load pump (via RVA 47)
connected to the network
- Multicircuit management. Heating circuit with a mixer valve or a
circulating pump.
THR 10-100 CS
an RVA 47
- Network pump control or heating circuit pump control.
- Domestic hot water production through a load pump (via RVA 47)
connected to the network.
- Domestic hot water production through a 3 channel motorised se-
lector valve (controlled by the LGMs) connected to the 50 kW mod-
With option:
one or two
RVA 46
- Network pump control or heating circuit pump control.
- Domestic hot water production through a load pump (via RVA 47)
connected to the network.
- Domestic hot water production through a 3 channel motorised se-
lector valve (controlled by the LGMs) connected to the 50 kW mod-
- Multicircuit management. Heating circuit with a mixer valve or with
a circulating pump.