Sprinkler Assemblies:
The 5.8 K-factor, Model F687 Residen-
tial Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are
available in a 155°F/68°C temperature
rating and they are rated for use at a
maximum service pressure of 175 psi.
They are available chrome plated,
natural brass, or polyester coated in
any color.
The nominal flow “Q” in GPM (LPM) is
determined by the following formula:
Q = K (p
where the nominal sprinkler discharge
coefficient “K” equals 5.8 (83,5) and “p”
equals residual pressure in psi (bar).
The F687 utilizes a 3 mm Bulb with a
cast dezincification resistant bronze
alloy Frame. The two pieces of the But-
ton Assembly are constructed from
brass per ASTM B16 (C36000) and
copper (C12200). The Gasketed
Spring Plate consists of a Beryllium
Nickel (N03360) disc spring that is
sealed on both its inside and outside
edges with a Teflon
gasket. The Com-
pression Screw is a brass per ASTM
B16 (C36000), and the Deflector is
brass per ASTM B36 (C22000).
Escutcheon Plates:
A separately ordered escutcheon plate
is required for concealed piping instal-
Figure B-1 illustrates a typical installa-
tion of an F687 Sprinkler using a
standard one-piece escutcheon plate
like that described in Technical Data
Sheet TD805. Refer to Technical Data
Sheet TD805 for information on other
available flush mount escutcheons.
Figure B-2 illustrates the Model F705
Recessed Escutcheon which is the
only recessed escutcheon that is ac-
ceptable for use with the Model F687
Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler. It has a
Closure and Mounting Plate fabricated
from low carbon steel. The Mounting
Plate prongs, which are compressed
back into the Mounting Plate as the
Closure is pushed over it, maintain a
tight friction fit between the two pieces.
The Mounting Plate and Closure can
also swivel relative to each other and
compensate for minor non-perpen-
dicularity between the Model F687
Sprinkler and the wall.
The F705 Escutcheons are available
with a chrome plated finish or a coated
finish in any color.
Absence of an escutcheon may de-
lay the time to sprinkler opera-
tion in a fire situation.
Only use escutcheons which con-
sist of metallic materials that
will not deform or dislodge at a
1200°F/649°C and/or which have
been listed by Underwriters Labo-
ratories Inc. for fire protection
The escutcheon plates like those
shown in Technical Data Sheet
TD805, as well as the F705 Es-
cutcheon, cannot be used to hold
the F687 in position. The F687
must be secured in position by
firmly fastening the sprinkler sys-
tem piping to the dwelling struc-
ture. If the F687 is not properly
secured in position, reaction
forces resulting from sprinkler
operation could alter its orienta-
tion and water distribution pat-
The 5.8
K-factor, Model F687 Resi-
dential Horizontal and Recessed Hori-
zontal Sidewall Sprinklers must only
be installed and utilized in accordance
with the following described criteria
which are provided by the manufac-
1. Residential Fire Sprinkler Sys-
tems should only be designed
and installed by those compe-
tent and completely familiar
with automatic sprinkler sys-
tem design, installation pro-
cedures, and techniques.
2. Several criteria may apply to
the installation and usage of
each sprinkler. Consequently,
it is recommended that the
sprinkler system designer re-
view and develop a working un-
derstanding of the complete
list of criteria, prior to initiat-
ing the design of the sprinkler
3. Questions concerning sprink-
ler installation and usage cri-
teria, which are not covered by
the following instructions,
should be mailed to the atten-
tion of the Technical Data De-
partment. Include sketches
and technical details, as ap-
4. In some instances, the require-
ments of this document may
concern specifications which
are more stringent and which
take precedence over those
specified in NFPA 13, NFPA
13D, NFPA 13R, or by the
authority having jurisdiction.
General Service Conditions.
F687 Sprinklers must only be utilized
in wet pipe sprinkler systems with all
interconnecting system piping as well
as the sprinklers maintained at a mini-
mum temperature of 40°F/4°C, and
with water supplies which are substan-
tially free of contaminants and parti-
cles of a size greater than 1/8 inch (3,2
Hydraulic Design Criteria.
The mini-
mum required flow rates for residential
applications are given in Table A as a
function of the maximum allowable
coverage areas. The NFPA 13D/13R
single sprinkler flow rate is the mini-
mum required discharge from the most
hydraulically demanding single sprin-
kler and the NFPA 13D/13R multiple
sprinkler flow rate is the minimum re-
quired discharge from each of the total
number of “design sprinklers” as speci-
fied in NFPA 13D or 13R.
TIA 99-1 (Tentative Interim Amend-
ment) with an effective date of May 22,
2000 states
that the minimum re-
quired discharge from each of the “de-
sign sprinklers” for systems designed
to NFPA 13 must be calculated based
on delivering a minimum design den-
sity of 0.1 gpm/sq. ft. for each of the
listed coverage areas shown in Table
A. Consult with the Authority Having
Jurisdiction regarding the application
of this TIA to the currently adopted
NFPA 13.
The number of sprinklers within
each compartment (as defined by
NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R), must be
kept as few as possible. Do NOT
use more sprinklers than neces-
sary to cover a particular space.
Spray Coverage Criteria.
Each F687
Sprinkler must only be used in accord-
ance with one of the designated width
by length (W x L) coverage criteria
specified in Table A.
Ceiling mounted obstructions such as
heating or air conditioning diffusers,
overhangs, and light fixtures must be
located above an elevation, as shown
in Figure C, where they will not inter-
fere with the proper distribution of
water by the sprinkler.
F687 Sprinklers may be installed along
overhangs or soffits that are a maxi-
mum of 8 inches wide (distance from
wall); with a maximum vertical dis-
tance of 4 inches from the centerline of
the sprinkler waterway to the bottom of
the overhang/soffit; and, with a de-
surface distance of
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