Gefran S.p.A. All Rights Reserved
This manual is the sole property of GEFRAN S.p.A.
The information in this manual is reserved and confiden-
tial. No part of this manual may be reproduced, photo-
copied, transmitted, transcribed, or translated into other
languages, with computers or in any other way (electro-
nic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual,
etc.) without explicit written permission from Gefran
Although all of the information in this manual has been
carefully checked, Gefran S.p.A. assumes no liability
with regard to possible errors, or with regard to damage
to persons or property due to improper use of this
The same applies with regard to persons or companies
involved in the writing or production of this manual.
Gefran S.p.A. reserves the right to change the contents
and structure of this manual and to change product spe-
cifications at any time and without notice.
Gefran S.p.A. does not issue any type of guarantee with
regard to this manual, including but not limited to implicit
guarantees of marketability and suitability for a defined
Gefran S.p.A. declines all liability with regard to the use
of its software on devices not supplied by Gefran S.p.A.
Windows™ is a registered trademark of Microsoft
This manual provides a detailed description of the main
technical data of the various versions of Gefran’s
GF_VEDO TL product.
The following information is indispensable for the cor-
rect use of the GF_VEDO TL: proper wiring, correct
jumper settings and the correct connection to external
Keep in mind that most of the hardware options can be
configured via software by means of the setup data sto-
red in the eeprom. As a result, there are just a few
options solely for hardware, which significantly simplifies
configuration of the GF_VEDO TL.
Graphic symbols
Graphic symbols are used to differentiate among the types and importance of the information in these Instructions
and to facilitate the reader’s understanding.
Indicates the contents of the various sections of
the manual, general warnings, notes, and other
important points.
Indicates a particularly delicate situation that could
affect the safety or good operation of the product,
or an instruction that must absolutely be followed
in order to prevent hazardous situations.
Indicates a risk to the user’s safety due to the pre-
sence of high voltage at the specified points.
Indicates a suggestion (based on the experience
of GEFRAN Technical Personnel) that could be
very useful under certain circumstances.
Information of a general and applicative
Important notes for product safety and
Indicates a reference to Detailed Technical
Documents available on GEFRAN’s web-
site: www.gefran.com