contact surfaces on the mobile phone and
charging unit with a soft, dry cloth.
Try a new battery
Unable to Charge the phone
Check the adaptor connections
If temperature is below -10
or higher than 55
move to a place without such extremes of
Try a new battery
Failure to link to the network
The signal is too weak, or there may be some
radio interference
Is the SIM card installed incorrectly or damaged?
If the SIM card is damaged, please ask your
service provider for a replacement.
Cannot make a Call
Check that mobile fees have been paid
Check that the SIM card is valid
Check if fixed dialling is set
Ensure you have pressed the green dial button
Is the SIM card registered to the network
Is the bar outgoing calls feature enabled
There may be a problem with the network, call
your service provider
Check the service provider number, local area
number or NMC number (see Handset Settings)
Cannot answer a call:
Check that mobile fees have been paid
Check that the SIM card is valid