Alert type, Ring Type, Ringtone, Ringtone Volume, SIM 1
Message, SIM 2 Message, Message Volume, Keytone
Type, Keytone Volume, Power on tone, Power Off tone,
Flap open tone type, Flap close tone type, System alert
Direct Number
You can assign a one touch button number to a
phonebook entry. This means you can dial a number
very easily whenever you want simply by pressing either
M1, M2 or M3.
Menu--->Settings---> Direct Number---> Select either M1,
M2 or M3
Dual Sim Settings
Set the setting to use one or 2 SIM.
Phone Settings
Within Phone Settings you can adjust the following
Time and date:
Set home city, Set the time and date, set
format (12hr or 24hr and DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY
Scheduled Power On or Off