Built-In-Test Description
Built-In-Test Description
The VMIVME-2533 test logic provides for two different modes of testing: an off-line
test mode and a on-line test mode. Jumper JB can be used to disable this feature.
Jumper JB is provided to accommodate future software advancements, and should
not be moved from the ground position in which it was shipped.
Upon system reset, the CSR is cleared to all zeroes initializing the board in the off-line
test mode. This mode of test disables all output drivers, enables the output registers
and internal loopback registers to test the board circuitry without affecting off-board
The on-line test mode is the normal mode of operation for the VMIVME-2533. In this
mode the VMIVME-2533 has a differential line receiver dedicated to reading the
differential outputs.
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