VersaMax* Analog Input, 16-Bit Thermocouple Module
October 2016
Product Description
The IC200ALG630 Analog Input Thermocouple Module is an intelligent
module that accepts seven independent thermocouple or millivolt inputs.
The module receives power from the backplane power supply. No
external power source is required.
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Each input channel can be configured to report millivolts ranges as
1/100 of millivolts, or thermocouple inputs as linearized temperature in
tenths of degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, with or without cold junction
The module automatically performs A/D calibration at powerup.
Automatic calibration is then repeated periodically to compensate for
changes in the ambient temperature. New calibration values are filtered
into the current calibration values.
Host Interface
The Analog Input Thermocouple Module uses the following data types:
7 words of analog input data.
7 optional words of analog output data.
The module exchanges data in the same manner as other types of I/O
modules: it provides all its input data when requested.
The Analog Input Thermocouple Module performs diagnostics and
provides the following information.
Alarm faults are reported if the processed value for a channel
exceeds its configured alarm limit.
Over/underrange faults are reported if the millivolt value for an
input exceeds the limits of its span.
Open circuit is checked every time a thermocouple input is read
(unless Open TC checking is disabled). If the circuit is open, a fault
is reported and the input defaults to the configured channel default.
Thermistor fault will be reported as Internal fault in the I/O Fault
A thermistor fault occurs if the calculated temperature value from the
thermistor is less than -10 °C or greater than +75 °C.
The green OK LED is on when backplane power is present to the
module. If this LED is amber, it indicates a module fault.
Module Characteristics
Seven thermocouple or millivolt inputs
Module ID
User input to logic
(optical) and to frame
Group to group
Channel to channel
250VAC continuous; 1500VAC for 1 minute
Not applicable
LED indicators
OK LED: Green indicates backplane power is
present. Amber indicates module fault.
Backplane current consumption 5V output: 125mA maximum. 3.3V output: 125mA
External power supply
Thermal derating
Open Thermocouple, over/under range, and
high/low alarm, thermistor fault (reported as
internal fault).
Input Characteristics
Thermocouple types
J, K, T, S, R, none (used for mV inputs)
Spans (+/–)
19.5mV, 39mV, 78.125mV, 156.25mV, 312.5mV,
Converter resolution
15 bits + sign
Cold junction compensation
If used, reference junction temperature is
measured at thermocouple termination using a
precision thermistor, or supplied by system, or by
fixed configuration value.
Cold junction temperature error +/–0.25 degree Celsius (local measurement). To
reduce temperature transients, thermocouple
terminations should not be installed in the same
cabinet as heat dissipation assemblies.
Conformity error
+/–0.3 degree Celsius, +/–0.5 degree Fahrenheit.
Accuracy, at 25° C
on voltage measurement:
on temp. measurement:
+/- 3 degrees Celsius.
Temperature sensitivity
(0° to 60°C)
+/–0.004% of reading, +/–1.5µV per ° Celsius
referred to input
Normal mode rejection
60dB, at 50/60 Hz, 100% span
Common mode rejection
120 dB at 50/60Hz, 100 ohm imbalance
Common mode voltage
3 VDC maximum
Maximum voltage between
Normal mode voltage
5 VDC maximum
Scan time
60 Hz: approximately 60 milliseconds per point
50 Hz: approximately 70 milliseconds per point.
Preinstallation Check
Carefully inspect all shipping containers for damage. If any equipment
is damaged, notify the delivery service immediately. Save the
damaged shipping container for inspection by the delivery service.
After unpacking the equipment, record all serial numbers. Save the
shipping containers and packing material in case it is necessary to
transport or ship any part of the system.