5.4 Requirements
5.4.1 RF Shield Requirements
1. The RF shielded room with installed blank penetration panels shall provide a minimum of
100 dB of shielding effectiveness (SE) for the entire room at the following frequencies:
a. 63.86 MHz +/- 0.5 MHz
b. 51.00 +/- 0.5 MHz
c. 76.60 +/- 0.5 MHz
The RF shielded room is designed and installed to meet or exceed the 100 dB
of SE. Acceptance of lower SE performance is a customer responsibility with
an absolute lower limit of 90 dB. The Customer must recognize the risk to
accepting a lower quality RF shielded room. The RF shielded room
performance degrades over time. Accepting a RF shielded room of low
performance will result in additional cost to the customer on repairs after room
construction is complete impacting clinical use of the product.
The final shielding effectiveness performance of the RF shielded room is
determined based on the lowest measurement of all test point locations.
2. The minimum tests points for shielding effectiveness must be the following locations:
a. Walls
b. Penetration panels
c. Doors
d. All windows, including patient viewing window
e. Skylights
f. Penetration waveguides installed for GE Healthcare and Non-GE Healthcare options
g. Power filters
Chapter 7, RF Shielding Effectiveness and Ground Isolation Test Methods
provides details
for shielding effectiveness measurement based on IEEE Std 299-2006
4. When measuring shielding effectiveness (SE), the following must be installed for the RF
shielded room:
a. All floor mounting bolts (including dock frame anchor bolt)
b. RF shielded door(s)
c. Waveguide penetrations, HVAC, cryogen vents, medical gas lines, system options
(including FUS, MRE, etc.)
d. AC power supplied through low-pass filters
e. Patient view window, skylights, windows, hatches, etc.
SIGNA Voyager Pre-Installation
Direction 5680008–1EN, Revision 2
5 RF Shielded Room Requirements