the incoming side of a power transformer, the primary bus1or to cables by
the use of potheads. When applied with power fuses, the combination
serves as a successful switching and fault protection device.
Operation of the switch is accomplished by manual rotation of a handle
through an arc of 180°. The SE-lOOS switch has a positive closing and
opening operation supplied from the stored energy of springs. The SE-
lOOM handle must be operated manually with a full positive motion to
assure proper closing and opening with the direct drive mechanism. The
operating handle is often interlocked with other devices such as secon-
dary circuit breakers in order to assure sequential operation.
The SE-lOOE switch is normally operated by energizing an integral elec
tric motor that charges the springs for positive closing and opening
similar to the handle of the SE-1003. The switch can be quickly con
verted from electrical to manual operation with a handle for normal
maintenance or emergency use.
The interrupting ability of the switch is accomplished by the use of
an arc chute type interrupter
Fig. 4 and an auxiliary blade (3).
When the switch is opened the auxiliary blade contacts (2
3) are the
last to part and will initiate an arc in the chute. The hot arc re
leases gases from the plastic chute in such volume that the arc is
blown away from the rapidly moving auxiliary blade and cooled by con
tact with the large area of the chute sides. After the arc has been
extinguished, the blade will continue to open producing a sufficient
air gap to isolate the terminals.
Immediately upon receipt of the switch, an examination should be made
for loss or damage sustained in transit. If injury or rough handling
is evident, a damage claim should be filed immediately with the trans
portation company and the nearest General Electric Apparatus Sales
Office should be notified.
Although damage due to handling is minimized because of the metal en
closure, it is expected that due care will be exercised in the unpack-
ing and installation of the switch unit so that no damage will occur from
careless or rough handling, or from exposure to moisture or dirt. Care
should be exercised to prevent tools from striking any part of the hous-
ing or switch iteslf.
Loose parts associated with the switch are alwars included in the same
crate. Check all parts against the packing list to be sure that no
parts have been overlooked.
It is recommended that the switch be placed into service immediately in
its permanent location.
If this is not possible, the following precau-
tions should be taken to iQsure proper storage conditions: