Nuova Via di Piano Comprensorio Vulcano
Sesto San Giovanni, MI 20099 Italy
Tel. 02-24105.001
IS 2653 GB
Bushing preparation and installation
All operators involved in components unpacking and assembly have to be careful to not damage the objects.
During the unpacking operation it is necessary to check that all components supplied by GE Grid Solutions
RPV are available and not damaged during the transportation.
All incoming goods must be stored in a covered area and prepared for the installation.
Controls at the arrival
Before proceeding with the unpacking operation it is necessary to perform the following controls:
Check the wooden crate status.
Check the external visual impact recorder(s).
Open the crate and inspect packaging and goods inside (see next p
aragraph 5.2
Check the pressure of the gas inside the bushing that must be
0.11 MPa abs (0.1 bar gauge), see
Figure 3
Check the composite insulators status, the top terminals and the relevant accessories.
Check the bushing instruments and the status of the electric wiring.
Figure 2 – Visual external shock recorder
Figure 3 – Example of the transport pressure gauge
Any damage of the crate, of the goods inside or lack of gas pressure must be reported to GE Grid Solutions
RPV Supervisor.