![GE IFC95AD Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/ge/ifc95ad/ifc95ad_instruction-manual_131849003.webp)
The Type IF C95AD relay is an extended-range, sing le-phase, time overcu rrent rel ay h aving
a short i nverse-ti me characteristic. The IFC95 B D is similar ex cept that it a lso i n cl udes a
h i nged-armatu re instantaneous- overcu rrent u n it. Both the ti me-overcu rrent u n it and the
instantaneous-overcu rrent u n it are describ ed i n detail i n the section on CON STRU CTION.
B oth relays a re eq u i pped w ith a dual- rated target and seal-in u n it.
I n addition to the contacts that are normally provided for tri ppi ng, each of the rel ays is
provided w ith contacts that may be used for alarm, remote i nd ication, or othe r p u rp oses
deemed suitable by t he user. Note that the contacts associated w ith the target a nd sea l-in
u n it w ill operate only after the ti me-overcu rrent- u nit contacts close to d raw trip cu rrent,
and hence a re not rel iable for use as tri pping contacts. For the exact contact a rran gement
used in each of the rel ays, see F ig u res 3 and 4 (i nternal-con nections for IFC95AD and
IFC95 B D, respectively) and F ig u re 7 (typical external con nections for b oth relays).
T he relays are mounted i n a siz e C1 d rawout case of molded construction. T he outl in e and
panel d ril l ing are show n in F ig u res 1 5 and 16.
W hen sem ifl ush mou nted on a su itab l e panel, these rel ays have a h i g h seismic capab i l ity,
b oth the target/seal-in u nit and the i nstantaneous overcu rrent u n it w hen it is
Also, th ese rel ays a re recog n i z ed u nd e r t h e Comp o n e nts P rog r a m of
U nderw riters L aboratories, I nc.
T he T ype IFC95 AD and IF C95 B D relays a re designed for appl ication w he re a fast i nve rse
time characteristic i n comb i nation w ith a rel atively low b u rd en is req u i re d. A typ i cal
appl ication is ill ustrated b y F ig u re 7, w here the relay is used to provide sensitive gro u nd
fau lt p rotection for eq u i pment "dow nstream" from a g rounded transformer.
The I FC i nd ucti on-d isk r ela ys cons ist of a mold ed case, cov er, s u pport str uct ur e assembly,
and a con nection pl ug to mak e up the electrical con nection. See cover fig u re and F ig u res
1 , 2 and 14. F ig u re 2 shows the i ndication u n it mounted to the molded su p po rt struct u re.
Th is disk is activated by a cu rrent operating coil mounted on a laminated U -mag net. T he
disk and shaft assembly carries a moving contact that compl etes the ala rm or trip ci rcu it
w hen it touches a stationary contact. The disk assembly is restrai ned b y a spi ral spring to
g ive the proper contact-cl osi ng cu rrent. The disk's rot ation is retarded by a permanent
mag net in a molded housing on the support structu re.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser's purposes, the matter should be revered to the General Electric Company.
To the extent required the products described herein meet applicable ANSI, IEEE and NEMA standards;
but no such assurance is given with respect to local codes and ordinances because they vary greatly.
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