The Type IAVS4F relay is s imilar to the Type IAV54E relay, except that it has a
longer operating time.
The time characteristics are s hown in Figure 3.
The Type IAV54H relay is als o s imilar to the Type IAV54F relay, except that it
has a much longer operating time than either the Type IAV54E or the Type IAV54F
relays .
The time characteris tics are s hown in Figure 4.
The Type IAVSSC relay is s imilar to the Type IAV54E relay, except that it has
two circuit-closing contacts .
The Type IAVSSF relay is s imilar to the Type IAV54F relay, except that it has
two circuit-closing contacts .
The Type IAVSSH relay is s imilar to the Type IAV54H relay, except that it has
two circuit-closing contacts .
The Type IAVSSJ relay is s imilar to the Type IAVSSH relay, except that it is
provided with two s eparate s eal-in units ; one for each s et of normally-clos ed
The operating-circuit ratings available are 115, 230 or 460 volts at 60, SO, or
25 cycles.
The operating coil will s tand rated voltage continuous ly on any tap and
will s tand tap voltage continuous ly on the taps above rated voltage.
The current-closing rating of the contacts is 30 amperes for voltages not
exceeding 250 volts .
The current-carrying ratings are affected by the s election of
the tap on the s eal-in coil, as indicated in the Table 1:
Tripping Duty
Carry Continuous ly
AC or DC
0. 2
0. 3
The 2 ampere tap has a DC resis tance of 0. 13 ohms and a 60 cycle impedance of
0. 53 ohms ; the 0. 2 ampere tap has a
ohm DC resis tance and 52 ohm 60 cycle
The tap s etting us ed on the s eal-in element is determined by the current
drawn by the trip coil.
The 0. 2 ampere tap is for us e with trip coils that operate on currents ranging
from 0. 2 up to 2. 0 amperes at the minimum control voltage.
If this tap is us ed with
trip coils requiring more than 2 amperes , there is a poss ibility that the
res is tance will reduce the current to s o low a value that the breaker will not be
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