Appendix A. Command Language Interface (CLI)
December 2017
Terminal Key Function
Following is the list of all the terminal keys and their functions.
CTRL-M Run a CLI config script
Tab completion.
If tab is pressed after a non-whitespace character, complete the word before the Tab.
If tab is pressed after a whitespace character, complete the next word.
Display available commands
If ? is pressed after a non-whitespace character, show possible choices for this word.
If ? is pressed after a whitespace character, show possible choices for the next word.
<Up Arrow>
CTRL-P Up history
<Down Arrow> CTRL-N Down history
CTRL-A Move the cursor to the beginning of the input line
CTRL-E Move the cursor to the end of the input line
<Left Arrow> CTRL-B Move the cursor backward
<Right Arrow> CTRL-F Move the cursor forward
CTRL-H Erase the character before the cursor
Notation Conventions
The notation conventions for the parameter syntax of each CLI command are as follows:
Parameters enclosed in [ ] are optional.
Parameter values are separated by a vertical bar “|” only when one of the specified values can be
Parameter values are enclosed in { } when you must use one of the values specified.