background image

Write the model and serial 
numbers here:

Model # _________________

Serial # _________________

You can find them on a label 
on the bottom of the disposer.

GE is a trademark of the General Electric Company. Manufactured under trademark license.






49-4000231 Rev 0   

06-20 GEA


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e Di




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instructions en français, visitez


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instrucciones en español, visite



Страница 1: ...rk license OWNER S MANUAL AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DISPOSALL 49 4000231 Rev 0 06 20 GEA SAFETY INFORMATION 3 USING THE DISPOSER 6 CARE AND CLEANING 6 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 7 TROUBLESHOOTING 14 LIMITED WARRANTY 15 CONSUMER SUPPORT 16 Food Waste Disposer GREEN05 Pour obtenir une version de ces instructions en français visitez GEAppliances ca Para una version de estas instrucciones en españo...

Страница 2: into every GE Appliances product and we think you will too Among other things registration of your appliance ensures that we can deliver important product information and warranty details when you need them Register your GE appliance now online Helpful websites and phone numbers are available in the Consumer Support section of this Owner s Manual You may also mail in the pre printed registratio...

Страница 3: ...a disposer a Clam or oyster shells b Caustic drain cleaners or similar products c Glass china or plastic d Large whole bones e Metal such as bottle caps tin cans utensils or aluminum foil f Hot grease or other hot liquids g Whole corn husks Ŷ KHQ QRW RSHUDWLQJ D GLVSRVHU OHDYH WKH GUDLQ VWRSSHU LQ SODFH WR UHGXFH WKH ULVN RI REMHFWV IDOOLQJ into the disposer Ŷ RU SURSHU JURXQGLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQV VHH ...

Страница 4: ... EUR HXU a coquilles d huîtres ou de myes E SURGXLWV GH GpERXFKDJH FDXVWLTXHV ou similaires c verre porcelaine ou plastique d gros os entiers H PpWDO SDU H HPSOH ERvWHV GH FRQVHUYH canettes ustensiles ou papier aluminium f huile chaude ou autres liquides chauds J pSLV GH PDwV HQWLHUV Ŷ RUVTXH YRXV Q XWLOLVH SDV OH EUR HXU ODLVVH OH ERXFKRQ GX GUDLQ HQ SODFH SRXU pYLWHU G IDLUH WRPEHU GHV REMHWV Ŷ ...

Страница 5: ...H FiXVWLFRV R SURGXFWRV similares F 9LGULR SRUFHODQD R SOiVWLFR d Huesos grandes enteros e Metales tales como tapas de botellas latas utensilios o papel de aluminio f Grasa caliente u otros líquidos calientes J RMDV GH PDt HQWHUDV Ŷ XDQGR QR XWLOLFH XQ WULWXUDGRU GHMH HO WDSyQ GH GUHQDMH HQ VX SRVLFLyQ UHGX FD HO ULHVJR GH TXH OR REMHWRV FDLJDQ HQ HO WULWXUDGRU Ŷ 3DUD DFFHGHU D LQVWUXFFLRQHV SDUD ...

Страница 6: ...EMHFWV IURP falling into the disposer C 7KH GLVSRVHU LV UXJJHGO EXLOW WR JLYH RX HDUV DQG years of trouble free service It will handle all normal IRRG ZDVWHV 87 LW ZLOO QRW JULQG DQG GLVSRVH VXFK items as tin cans bottles and bottle caps glass china leather cloth crockery rubber string feathers RU FODP RU R VWHU VKHOOV 7KHVH DUH ZDVWH PDWHULDOV and belong in the trash can or trash compactor D 72 6...

Страница 7: ...LVMRQFWHXU DX SDQQHDX GH distribution principal avant de commencer l installation 1 XWLOLVH SDV XQH UDOORQJH pOHFWULTXH RX XQ DGDSWDWHXU GH fiche avec cet appareil 3285 9275 6e 85 7e 3 56211 1H SODFH SDV YRWUH WrWH RX YRWUH FRUSV HQ GHVVRXV GX EUR HXU FHOXL FL pourrait tomber pendant son retrait ou son installation 8Q EUDQFKHPHQW LQDGpTXDW GX FRQGXFWHXU GH PLVH j OD WHUUH SHXW SUpVHQWHU GHV ULVTXH...

Страница 8: ... avoid standing water in disposer motor housing OH LEOH GUDLQ SLSH PD EH QHFHVVDU IRU WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ SINGLE BOWL Approx DOUBLE BOWL CENTER OUTLET Approx DOUBLE BOWL END OUTLET Approx DIMENSIONS ƒ DFNVDZ ƒ 6DIHW ODVVHV ƒ ORYHV ƒ 3XWW QLIH ƒ 3OXPEHUV 3XWW ƒ 7DSH 0HDVXUH ƒ RRGHQ GRZHO or steel punch ƒ OH LEOH UDLQ RVH ƒ RVH FODPS V Only needed if connecting to a dishwasher ƒ ODVKOLJKW ƒ LTXLG VRDS ...

Страница 9: ...d accumulations rout out with a plumber s snake 4 Remove old sealing materials and gasketing from sink opening both top and bottom NOTE 7RS DQG ERWWRP RI VLQN VXUIDFHV PXVW EH FOHDQ dry and free of any residue to prevent leaks Splash Guard 3RZHU RUG RQ VRPH PRGHOV DISASSEMBLE TO INSTALL 7XUQ WKH ORZHU PRXQWLQJ ULQJ FORFNZLVH XQWLO LW releases and lift the entire hardware assembly from the disposer...

Страница 10: ...s not secured in the snap groove trapping the assembled parts in place then the disposer cannot be properly installed LEHU Gasket Support ODQJH 8SSHU Mounting Ring Sink ODQJH Snap Ring Groove INSTALL THE SINK FLANGE 1 Roll plumbers putty in a 3 8 thick rope turn the sink flange up side down and apply around the bottom of the flange 2 Install the sink flange into the sink opening by pressing it in ...

Страница 11: ...LVSRVHU LQ DQ ZD but may take some time to grind over the course of several uses IF CONNECTING TO A DISHWASHER CONT 2 Connect the flexible drain hose to the dishwasher GLVFKDUJH XVLQJ D KRVH FODPS I WKH KRVH VL H LV different you will need a stepped rubber adapter See the Installation Instructions that came with your dishwasher for details ATTACH THE DISCHARGE ELBOW Slide the discharge flange and ...

Страница 12: ...UNT THE DISPOSER CONT 3 Lift and prop the disposer into place on the upper mounting ring Mount it by turning the lower mounting ring until its tabs engage onto the slide ramps of the upper mounting ring Insert a screwdriver into a lower hook and leverage it counterclockwise into place Use channel lock pliers to fully lock the lower mounting ring tabs onto the upper slide ramps Shown fully locked S...

Страница 13: ...r the splash guard NOTE Both the splash guard and stopper may be removed and cleaned as needed CONNECT POWER AND TEST FOR LEAKS 3lug the disposer into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances Run water to check the disposer for leaks 24 hours after installation and first operation Keep and refer to this Owner s Manual for proper use and ca...

Страница 14: ...W FKRLFH SXWW or tightening 2 Support ring not tightened properly HIHFWLYH FXVKLRQ PRXQW If the leak is at the discharge elbow leak may be caused by improper tightening of elbow flange screws TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS Troubleshooting Tips Before you call for service SAFETY NOTE Before investigating you must disconnect the power supply WARNING Before resetting disconnect the power supply please see SAFE...

Страница 15: In Alaska the limited warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home 6RPH VWDWHV GR QRW DOORZ WKH H FOXVLRQ RU OLPLWDWLRQ RI LQFLGHQWDO RU FRQVHTXHQWLDO GDPDJHV 7KLV OLPLWHG ZDUUDQW JLYHV RX VSHFLILF OHJDO ULJKWV DQG RX PD DOVR KDYH RWKHU ULJKWV ZKLFK YDU IURP VWDWH WR VWDWH 7R NQRZ ZKDW RXU legal rights are consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your stat...

Страница 16: ...DQG OHDUQ DERXW VSHFLDO GLVFRXQWV WKDW DUH DYDLODEOH ZKLOH RXU warranty is still in effect You can purchase it on line anytime GE Appliances Services will still be there after your ZDUUDQW H SLUHV Q WKH 86 GEAppliances com extended warranty or call 800 626 2224 during normal business hours In Canada GEAppliances ca en support purchase extended warranty or call 866 277 9842 Parts and Accessories In...
