GE Grid Solutions
D20/D200 Technical Overview
GE Information
Using the WESMAINT facility, you can access standard data displays such as:
Digital inputs and outputs
Analog inputs and outputs
Transition counters
Sequence-of-event (SOE) and change-of-state (COS) data
Device status information
Error log
User log
System status
CCU (central control unit) communication status, if a redundant system is installed.
Similar to WESMAINT, PROMAINT is the maintenance facility for the I/O peripheral modules.
PROMAINT combines maintenance and monitor functions. The maintenance portion is used to
view data, or to verify that the board is functioning correctly by, for example, forcing a control
point and then checking to see whether the control operation took effect.
This monitor facility is intended for advanced users to interpret commands from the maintenance
port, such as storing data to memory. It can also execute various application-dependent
commands once an application program has been downloaded from the D20/D200.
3.5 68K Monitor
The 68K Monitor functions are primarily debugging tools that users can access via a PC or a
VT100 terminal with a keyboard. Monitor functions include memory examination, dumping and
editing, setting break points, single-step modes, communication port loop-back tests, mark and
space modem adjustments, and CPU usage and process profiling.