MA-037 - CB Watch 3 Operating Manual
v7.0 - May 2020
Page 99 of 118
General Description
Using the RTD8 module, the CBW3 can accommodate up to 8x PT100 temperature sensors.
The number of sensors must be declared during setup.
The first channel is always reserved for the outside ambient temperature, but the other 7
channels can be assigned to measure any temperature. Cabinet temperatures is very
common (to ensure that the heater is working) but measuring tank heater operation is
another common use. So 1x outside ambient, 3x Drive cabinets, 1x control cabinet and 3x
tank heaters could be a possible use of the 8 sensors.
By default, the temperatures are displayed in degrees centigrade, but degrees Fahrenheit
can be selected to display in instead.
HMI: Settings / Aux. temperatures
Figure 167
Number of PT100 sensors
Each temperature sensor can be given a name to make it easier to identify what
temperature is being measured:
HMI: Settings / Aux. temperatures
Figure 168
Naming of PT100 sensors
This assigned name is displayed in the HMI together with two values per sensor:
The actual measured temperature
The positive/negative delta to ambient temperature (measured temp - ambient temp)
HMI: Measurements / Sensors
Figure 169
Display of PT100 sensors