MA-037 - CB Watch 3 Operating Manual
v7.0 - May 2020
Page 88 of 118
Pump motor current
Using the appropriate CT (for AC or DC current), the CBW3 is able to measure the current
used by the compressor/pump motor(s) in order to notice any changes.
The key maximum pump motor current (peak inrush current) is displayed in the HMI:
HMI: Measurements / Pump
Figure 150
Maximum inrush current
An alarm can be set on the maximum inrush current value of the pump motor by setting the
“Max threshold” value
HMI: Settings / Analog channels
Figure 151
Pump motor inrush current maximum threshold setting
The alarm is displayed when the threshold has been reached:
HMI: Measurement / Alarms
Figure 152
Pump motor inrush current alarm
A graph of the first 12 seconds of the “pump
motor current
/vs/ time”
curve is displayed in
the HMI. It is used to visualise the peak inrush current at start-up:
HMI: Measurement / Operations charts / Pump
Figure 153
Pump motor current