Installation Guide
LED Luminaire
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation,
operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the
matter should be referred to GE current.
Ces instructions ne prétendent pas couvrir tous les détails ou variantes de l’équipement ni couvrir toutes les conditions possibles à satisfaire en rapport avec l’installation,
l’opération ou l’entretien. Si des informations supplémentaires sont souhaitées sur des aspects qui ne sont pas suffisamment couverts pour satisfaire les besoins du client, ou si
des problèmes particuliers se présentent, veuillez addresser ces questions à GE current.
Estas instrucciones no pretenden cubrir todos los detalles o variaciones en el equipo ni para prever cualquier contingencia que debe cumplir en relación con la instalación,
la operación o el mantenimiento. De ser deseada más información o se surgieran problemas particulares que no están cubiertos suficientemente para los propósitos del
comprador, favor de remitirse a GE current.
© 2020 Current Lighting Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of the
General Electric Company and are used under license. Information provided is subject to change without notice.
All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.
ALB019 (Rev.
Section 7: Troubleshooting
Section 8: Maintenance
Luminaire will not
• Check that the color of the supply side wires match the color of the wires they are connected to.
turn on.
• Check that all wire connectors are properly connected.
• Verify that your input voltage is within specs.
• If you are using any additional controls (i.e. dimming wires, motion sensors), please also verify that those are
working properly and that the unit is setup to interface with the controllers.
• Product should not be disassembled during installation process and/or while installed.
• Lens should be cleaned periodically for maximum lumen output.
Inspect and clear any build-up on cooling fins periodically for maximum performance.