Location Selection
Installation Angle
Local Latitude
0°~ 15°
15°~ 25°
25°~ 30°
30°~ 35°
35°~ 40°
Module installation angle
Table 1
GCL System Integration Technology Co.,Ltd
Bringing Green Power to Life
Selec t suitable places to install Modules.
Install Modules at the places with sufficient sunlight and without shade at any time. If
a module is shaded or even par tially shaded, it will result in lower power output. A
permanent or regular shade will cause damage to the module, which will void GCLSI’s
warrant y.
Do not place, install or use Modules at the places where combustible gas is easily
generated or gathering.
The straight-line distance bet ween the installation site and coastline shall not be
shor ter than 1 km unless there is a writ ten approval from GCLSI or an engagement
specified in the contrac t.
Modules in the same string should be installed at the same angle. Modules installed in
different angles will receive different irradiation, which will cause current different. As
a result, it will decrease the operation efficienc y of the system.
Please refer to Table 1 for the recommended installation angles of the Modules.