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Orca 1600 Operation and Maintenance Manual
© GBC Films Group February 2001
4.5 Crated
T h e O rca 1600 L am in ator is a large an d
h eavy piece of eq uipm en t. It is n ecessary to
em ploy L IC E N S E D R IG G E R S O N L Y to
m ove the lam inator. T he lam in ator is not
d esign ed to be tipp ed up or sid ew ays in any
w ay. S uch action d istu rb s the exact
alignm en t of the rollin g p arts of the m ach in e
and requ ires extensive realign m ent. Y ou can
b e cru sh ed or seriously inju red.
GBC Film Group's warranty does not
cover malfunction of the equipment due to
mishandling and / or tipping. GBC Films
Group bears no responsibility for personal
injury or damage due to moving the
laminator improperly.
Tools required
• # 2 Phillips head screwdriver
• 7/8” open end wrench or adjustable wrench
• Crow bar
• A second person
4.5.1 Uncrate the laminator
a) Remove the top of the crate and then the sides
in the order shown in Figure 4.5.1
Do not allow the top to fall into the crate. It
can damage the laminator.
Do not put packing screws on the floor.
They can cause problems when trying to roll
the laminator into position or you can
become injured if stepped on.
A second person must support the side
labeled 5 in Figure 4.5.1 It can fall and
damage the laminator or cause harm to you
and others.