Step 1:
Before starting to assemble, please decide where you would like to position the door panels.
Stand up two Regular Frames (A) and affix the panels together at an angle by sliding
two connecting Pieces (I, J) from top to bottom. All Frames should be placed such that
screening face out of the unit.
To assemble door frame, firstly assemble 2 vertical bars (Yy) with 2 horizontal bars
(Zz). Make sure the shape of the aluminum matches the other parts to be joined. With
a rubber mallet get them closed at the corners. Make sure to not damage the
aluminum parts. Make a small pilot hole if necessary, under 1/8
” and use screws (Z) to
secure 4 corners manually, screwing all screws into frame 4 holes.
After assembling door frame, attach to frames (B) on either side, by sliding connecting
piece (E) between the frame and the door frame.
When assembling angled panels (A, B), you should put the two panels at 135-degree
angle then use the angled connecting pieces (I) and (J) to affix the panels together.
5. Door frame step down is on the inside of the unit.
When sliding the part I, J and E into the frames shake the frames for it too slide.
Do not apply excess force. Make sure the edges are clean from any extra paint if
necessary, use a fine file.
2. Make sure the floor is level if not use Leveling Shims.
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