PS QL Datasheet
Feature description
Targeted for Windows OS
The PS QL will work with the following OS:
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows Me and 98.
The most suitable environment is Windows XP with Fast User Switching feature turned on,
where users can benefit from the Fast User Switching features of PS QL.
Automatic hints, which will help user to understand the product and solve
When some problem occurs (e.g. reader is not connected) a hint will be shown. The hints
will be shown using Windows XP “balloon” windows above the icon tray in taskbar. User
need not react to hints, they will automatically disappear after a while or when the
situation changes.
Tutorial teaching user how to use strip sensor
In the version supporting strip sensor user can go through tutorial which will help him to
use the strip sensor properly. The tutorial is started during the first enrollment but the
user can access the tutorial also later from Start Menu.
Figure 2: Tutorial helps users to learn how to use
the fingerprint sensor properly
Automatic user enrollment after new user logon
When user logons using FUS and there is no finger associated with this user then the user
will be prompted to enroll after logon. When a user that is not yet enrolled puts finger on
the sensor (or swipes) the welcome screen with possibility to enroll is shown.